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Pour aider Nicole Joncas important

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Bonjour à tous. Encore une fois, je vous réitère ma demande d'aider la cause en Cour Supérieure de Nicole Joncas, qui sera devant les tribunaux ce printemps. C'est un PRÉCÉDENT et on doit l'aider. Personne n'est jamais allé aussi loin pour aider la cause des animaux. Si vous y croyez et aimez les animaux, SVP, ENVOYEZ un DON, ne serait-ce qu'un $10.00 chacun. Si chacun de vous fait circuler ce message à vos contacts et que chacun envoie $10.00, ça devrait faire un bon montant. MERCI de faire circuler à TOUS VOS CONTACTS SVP et vous pouvez lire tous les détails de cette poursuite sur le site de Nicole, : . MERCI à TOUS CEUX QUI FERONT UN EFFORT, au moins de transférer ce message. Nicole propose aussi de faire soit un encan silencieux ou autre pr l'aider. Mais elle n'a aucun temps pr organiser un événement pareil avec tous ses animaux à voir au refuge... Si vous avez des idées, vous êtes la bienvenue! Au nom de CEUX QUI SOUFFRENT SANS DÉFENSE; Louise

> From:
> To:
> Subject: L&P
> Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 09:35:18 -0500
> I took notes this week while listening to two grown men cry as they
> recounted the callous brutality inflicted on helpless souls in the chamber
> of horrors of the puppy mill of **** They iterated that one of
> the owners has no emotion, and the other derives a sadistic pleasure in
> hurting them. He killed two dogs just because........
> When the second man goes into the mill, the dogs, mostly the large breeds,
> begin to cry and howl from fear, and when he approaches their cell, they
> slither to the back and begin to tremble uncontrollably. This they live from
> birth to death in the cold, dark hell of their only fault; that of having
> been born.
> I won't pretend that I'm getting through each day but with the hopes that
> this will be exposed in the courts. I'm face down and each day and night
> gets longer and harder. My tranquillizer that once knocked me out for a
> couple of hours is no longer having it's effect, and long is the night that
> can't find a day.
> These two men who cried helplessly, and I, will never again be able to have
> a normal life. I feel guilty when I sit down to eat and after a mouthful, I
> push it away. I can't enjoy the warmth of a hot bath, knowing that tortured
> souls are freezing and in fear, in a concrete prison. I can't listen to
> music anymore as this plunges me into depth of despair.
> It is with this heavy burden, that I forge on to get through yet another day
> of caring for Teja's animals, ensuring that they are all fed and watered,
> that they have the blankets and straw in place to keep them warm through yet
> another long cold winter. At the end of the day, I drag myself up to my
> bedroom that has become a trap, where inspite of all my efforts to block out
> the visions of sadistic cruelty, they remain eating away at my very soul.
> The trial will bring the invaluable awareness to the public about the
> shocking horrors in the puppy mills. We must never stop sending the strong
> message, that puppy mills are the warehouses that stock the inventory for
> the pet store industry. The mothers and fathers who produce the products
> never see the sun, never feel the grass under their paws, never hear a kind
> word. They are fed crap from the cheapest bags of dog food. They are never
> vetted, thus producing unhealthy babies who are then sold to pet stores to
> unknowing consumers. They unknowingly rush home with their new puppies, who
> within a short time get sick and die causing a lot of heartbreak, while the
> mothers waits in their cold prisons to be raped repeatedly until death
> relieves them of their living hell, and the beat goes on..........
> So long as animaquebec continues to let themselves be guided by PIJAC that
> sits on their board, and that animaquebec works in partnership with the dog
> pound Berger Blanc, there will be no end to the suffering of man's best
> friend, where we derive the only unconditional love we will ever know.
> Once again, I beg you all to forward this email to all your contacts in
> effort to get the much needed funds to help us help them. Together we have
> raised close to $8,000. The estimated cost of the lawsuit is $50,000. We
> have a long way to go.
> If anyone can organize e.g. a silent auctions, I can get Via rail tickets,
> and hockey memorabilia.
> The upcoming trial will be the only chance we have to end their suffering.
> Thank you all for hearing me. Please visit Teja's website at:
> and read about the lawsuit.
> Yours in rescue,
> Nicole Joncas,
> Universal Peace Embassador,
> Cheques can be made out to: (on the memo line please specify "lawsuit")
> Teja's Animal Refuge
> 21511 McCormick Road
> Glen Robertson, Ontario
> K0B 1H0
> Registered charity number: 85496 4202 RC0001

Teja's Animal Refuge
> 21511 McCormick Road
> Glen Robertson, Ontario
> K0B 1H0
> Registered charity number: 85496 4202 RC0001

tu envoies ton chèque à cette adresse. Tu dois écrire sur le chèque: "donation for lawsuit" (la cause en cours) et le no de registre

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Si on appuie sur le lien donné pour le refuge on peut faire un don par paypal! C'est plus facile mais je ne sais pas si paypal prélève des frais sur les dons ... juste au cas je vais rajouter 3% au mien :43:

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gêné desoler je ne peut rien envoyer franchement

Quelle est la causer exacte du proces, desoler je ne la trouve pas, j'ai juste lue que c'etait contre la cruauter envers les animaux au canada gêné

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