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Boxer Rescue Quebec Dog Park Day! 16 août 2008

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Désolé, je l'ai juste en anglais.

Hello everyone!

We are happy to invite you to our Boxer Rescue Quebec Dog Park Day in Hudson, Qc on Saturday, August 16th from 9am until 5pm - at the Global Pet Foods Dog Park right off exit 26 for Hudson/St Lazare on Highway 40. Bring your dog, your friends, your family and anyone else you can round up!

BRQ will have a booth set up with raffle tickets (with great prizes!), doggie gear to trade for donations, free dog treats for all furry friends. Come and let your pooch have an off leash play with other pooches in a safe fenced in area. Meet previously adopted boxers, hear sucess stories, see before and after photos and especially.......inquire about available boxers! BRQ volunteers will be on hand to answer any questions and just plain have fun with everyone :0) We will also have adoption applications and foster applications handy ;0)

So be there or be square! We don't have events often so let's make this one count!

Thank you to Richard and Global Pet Foods Hudson for allowing us the use of their dog park as well as their help with this event.

If you have any questions just email us at

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