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Une île pour chien seulement, canular?

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Je suis tombée là dessus et je ne suis pas sure de comprendre... C'est vrai?

C'est une île où on peut envoyer notre chien, gratuitement. Les chiens sont lâchés lousse sur l'île avec comme nourriture des lapins qui se reproduisent allègrement. confus Pas le droit de visite, sauf 3 jours par année...


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Simplement a lire les commentaires sur les photos ca ressemble vraiment a un canular, une bonne joke pour faire reagir les gens! mdr En tout cas j'espere dire vrai! franchement

Certaines photos sont sur une plage de sable fin tandis que d'autres semble avoir ete prise genre au Vermont.

Directions, ou est l'ile! Crampé Ridicule..

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je pensais que c'était ça dont vous parliez...

pour votre site, j'ai cliqué dans la page d'accueil sur
et j'ai lu ça :
Citation :
This site ( was made in jest, for fun for love of dogs and for love of life.
You are to take NO actions, make NO decisions based on the content of this website.
In other words, we are not responsible for ANYTHING you do. If I could make this any clearer to you, I would. You can't blame us for ANYTHING. You can't be mad at us for ANYTHING. The only point for you on this website is to enjoy yourself. And if you don't enjoy yourself, you absolutely canNOT blame us for this lack of enjoyment - it is completely your fault.
We are selling nothing, we want nothing from you, not your personal information, not your credit card, not your dog, not your money... NOTHING. We have asked you for nothing, we will continue to ask you for nothing, so please, make sure to NOT GIVE IT TO US, as we will not accept it.
To all friendly, kind, loving people, who don't find a need to blame other people for any and everything, thank you for your time, sorry if you read this and felt unloved - WE LOVE YOU !!! :::))))

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pas mal non plus... CrampéCrampé

"There are small very deluxe cabins that are ecologically built so as to not disturb the dogs' love of nature, while at the same time we provide special anti-user-interface dog houses which comes with beds for the dogs and also special Dog Island doggie clothing.

We apologize to not offer this to poor people but it takes an enormous amount of money to afford this type of beauty. "

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