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Saint mom

La FDA confirme les problème (maladie/décès) avec NUTRO

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En anglais:

(FDA = Food and Drug Administration))

En gros, ca dit qu'il y a investigation sur Nutro (maintenant Mars Inc) car trop de maladies et de décès non-explicables. Ca fait 2 ans que les acheteurs se plaignent. Evidemment, chez Nutro on nient ce problème.

Le seul dénominateur commun entre les maladies et les décès fut qu'ils étaient tous nourris avec Nutro. Juste pour l'an passé, 500 plaintes furent placées à cause de maladies. Tous souffraient de vomissements, diahrées et problèmes digestifs.

Un exemple:
Une dame donnait à son chien une moulée NUTRO Natural Choice Agneau et riz, formule petites bouchées. Elle a remarqué la couleur des grains du dernier sac mais innocemment, croyait à un changement dans la production. Son chien commenca à être malade, vomir les morceaux entiers et de la bile.

Il a dû se payer une visite chez le vet et depuis, il est en "récupération" sur diètte de poulet/riz maison et antiobios et il va mieux.

Combien de chiens sont malades sans que personne ne sent rendre compte.

Donc dans les grandes lignes, on se doit d'être vigileants, regarder les comportements de nos animaux. En cas de doute, apporter un sac ziplock (format congélateur) chez votre vétérinaire. S'il doute que la nourriture soit en cause, il doit envoyer le sac pour analyse à la FDA (je ne sais pas pour le Canada toutefois la procédure).

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Y a-t-il un site de la FDA où l'on pourrait officialiser ou infirmer ces dires???

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Y'a un site mais je ne vois rien à ce sujet. J'ai mis mes espions à la recherche de l'article confirmant ceci via la FDA et non pas juste d'un magazine.

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Apparemment qu'il n'y aurait rien au FDA.

Tout ce que l'ont retrouve, vient de consumer affairs

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J'ai eu un suivi d'une fille qui a appelé et on a retourné son appel. J'ai pas le temps de traduire mais voici son histoire. Elle avait une certaine crainte car elle est éleveuse et elle nourrit Nutro:

Citation :
Today a vetrinarian with the department of vetrinarian medicine at the food and drug administration returned my phone call left late yesterday afternoon. We spoke for about 30 minutes regarding the media attention to this story both on line and on television across the country.

At first, before telling me anything, he asked if I had any problems with dogs or any of my puppy buyers on Nutro products. I said no other than a mysterious illness with puppy buyer where they couldn't pinpoint what the cause was (I do believe he's still on Nutro and he's just fine several months later). With what I described to him, he did not feel it was food related and felt the vet would have taken the necessary steps if she HAD felt it was food related.

After telling him all my guys were fine, he confirmed that SOME of the statements in the consumer affairs article were true. HOWEVER, he also said there was a lot of information left out of that article. According to this DR, this investigation goes back over 2 years ago to the melamine scare and addressed Menu foods before Mars aquired NUTRO. None of the NUTRO products are directly involved in this investigation according to the department of vetrinarian medicine at the Food and Drug Administration. He assured me that there was NO reason or any information the FDA had that should concern me in the aspect of feeding my dogs NUTRO products.

We also briefly spoke about Menadione. I asked him if it was being considered to be removed from from petfoods in the USA. He said it is not up for consideration at this time and that there is no substantiate proof that Menadione is carcinagenic. He gave me instructions for two options if I wanted to persue the removal of Menadione from pet foods in the USA. I have the notes at work but I'm not sure I could make sense of them now. Best bet is to call them. As a US tax paying citizen we have the right to know and employees of the FDA are payed by our tax dollars.

My family was very freaked out by this whole story. I would like to remind everyone the same thing I reminded my family. We can't ALWAYS believe everything we read on the internet. We have to research and ask questions for ourselves. This DR told me different versions of this same story have circulated several times over the last two years.

I was able to contact the FDA by googling it and finding a phone number for the petfood division. This is where I left a message stating my concern. This message was forwarded on to the Department of Vetrinarian Medicine at the FDA and had a return call within 24 hours.

If anyone has further questions, I suggest to give them a call. He was very nice and took the time to answer my questions and listened to my concerns.

I have fed the Nutro Natural Chicken and Rice for Sensitive Stomach for several years. I have not had any problems with the product. I was scared during the recall as the canned puppy food of the same recipe was being fed to a litter of puppies I had on the ground at the time. There were no issues though and I took the product back.

As someone who works in pharmacy, I deal with recalls every day. Recalls are used to save lives in the event that question of quality or contamination is of concern. Many times it is done as a precautionary measure. I'm not saying the big recall which effected many brands of cat and dog food wasn't a big deal. Any time death occurs, it is a big deal. Just remember safety is the FDA's main concern and if there was a concern over their currently distributed products, they can issue an Non-voluntary recall meaning the recall was mandated by the FDA and not issued by the manufacturer as a precautionary measure.

Anyhow, thought people might like to know what I found out.

Have a great night.

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Et le reste qu'elle avait omis dans la note plus haut:

Ok, here is more info from my notes.

Citation :
I spoke with Dr. William Burkholder 240-453-6865 with the FDA.

As far as Menadione is considered he said if desired you could request nomination by the National Toxicology Program

Here is another article that contradicts what the petfood project has to say about Menadione. I'm not saying one is right vs. the other. Just another different opinion from a professional.

This is where my notes are a little sketchy.... Dr Burkholder said that one could request a review in the standard of pet food ingredients provided by legislation FDAAA 2007 which is the Food and Drug Administration Ammendment Act of 2007. How to go about doing that is what I don't have down. I'm sure if someone wanted to do that, he may be able to give further information. Those were the two options he gave me within regards to Menadione.

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Rappel/enquête ou pas, je n'aime pas la plupart des formules Nutro: trop de céréales (beaucoup, beaucoup de riz), pas assez de protéines ou de matières grasses. Des chiens ont souvent vomi de la bile sur cette nourriture, ce qui n'est pas normal. Et ça fait de la crotte à ramasser.

Les formules Ultra sont mieux mais on peut facilement trouver meilleur pour un prix similaire.

Avoir à choisir entre Nutro Natural Choice et Eukanuba, je préfère Eukanuba: les chiens la digère souvent mieux.

Le garde-manger du repaire de Sasha.

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Watson a été presque 1 an sur la nutro et c'est là qu'il a commencé à avoir ses problèmes au foie. Ma véto peut pas garantir à 100% que c'est ça la cause, mais disons que ça été une drôle de coïncidence. C'était presqu'en même temps que le rappel de nourriture.

Je redonnerai pas ça à mon chien et je la conseillerai plus à personne.

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