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Et c'est quoi exactement le INTL CH ? Quels sont les critères pour inscrire un chien ?

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Leur site est super mal fait mais voici ce que j'ai réussi à dénicher:

Citation :
International All Breed Canine Association
Have you ever wondered what the judge was thinking in the ring? Attend an International (European style) show and find out!

IABCA - International All Breed Canine Association
The International All Breed Canine Association of America (IABCA) began more than twenty years ago with the intent of making an International "UCI" Championship Title available to the American public while not exposing the dogs to the danger and inconvenience of international travel. To accomplish this, an association was formed with an International Association of dog clubs headquartered in Germany, the Union Cynologie International (UCI). The UCI organization has been in existence for over 30 years. There are many countries, throughout Europe, North America and the Far East, represented in the association, making it a truly International Organization. Through this International Organization (UCI), International Titles are awarded to dogs who meet the requirements.

IABCA shows are held in accordance with the regulations and guidelines that have been established by UCI. These guidelines provide for a WRITTEN CRITIQUE FOR EACH DOG ENTERED and a rating number of how well the dog conforms to the International "UCI" breed standards. The International 'UCI' standards are based on the 'country of origin' for each breed, if possible.

Who Shows At International Shows?

The typical entry at an IABCA International Show is an AKC recognized breed (around 80% of the entry is made up of these breeds.) The number of Rare Breeds showing is growing each year. The overall quality of the dogs is quite high, with many of the dogs already Champions of Record. The majority of the dogs are owner handled, but professional handling is allowed. Breeder/Owner handling is recognized with the Best Bred-by Exhibitor in Show Award. Long time IABCA exhibitors are recognized by our new Gold Cup Series, where dogs of Ehren Champion ranking or higher are able to compete for BIS Gold Cup. Seasoned exhibitors enjoy having an additional venue to show their quality dogs and earn additional titles “International”. The shows are also, good for the novice exhibitor, providing an opportunity to “show” their dogs in a relaxed atmosphere, within a learning environment. A primary focus of the IABCA shows is education and a sharing of knowledge, between the exhibitors and the judges. Many exhibitors enjoy the shows because of the relaxed atmosphere of a small show where every exhibit has a ‘good look’ due to the written critiques. The International shows have a social atmosphere of a day out with your dog. The judges enjoy the shows because they can take the time to talk to each exhibitor without time limits.


The Alle Rasse Gruppe is the first club (gruppe) formed in the United States under the parent club IABCA. Beginning in the year 1995, all International (UCI) Shows held in the United States will be hosted by clubs sanctioned by IABCA. The shows will be held according to all rules and guidelines of UCI, and IABCA. All registrations of dogs will continue to be made with IABCA. All International Titles will continue to be awarded by the UCI in Germany. IABCA plans to host one or two shows per year, in the United States, all other International UCI Shows will be sanctioned by IABCA and Hosted by the member clubs (Gruppen).

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Bon bien, je risque d'y aller avec Jules et Mac.

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Je croyais que pour être INT un chien devait être champion dans 5 pays différents?

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loolee a écrit:
Je croyais que pour être INT un chien devait être champion dans 5 pays différents?
C'est 3 pays différents.

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Annie a écrit:
Hmmm... me semblait que c'était deux pays différents mais, 3 juges.
Bien si je me fie au Pedigree de Jules, ses ancêtres Ch. International, c'est 3 pays différents .... Sinon 2 pays les chiens Ch. Can et Am. serait Ch. Int. ça pas d'allure je trouve.

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Oui, c'est ça!

Citation :
*INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP- An International UCI Championship title is achieved after receiving three "Certificat d'Aptitude au Championat International de Beaute "Certificates of Beauty" from UCI. These certificates must be awarded by three different judges, with at least two of the judges residing in different countries. (for example: 2 Americans & 1 Canadian. or 1 German)

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Ok, dans le fond c'est le pays d'origine du juges qui compte et non dans le pays où lequel le chien est présenté ....

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C'est ''showé'' sous 3 juges qui doivent être d'au moins 2 pays différents, dans le câdre de shows de l'IABCA....
Dûre à écrire cette phrase-là!! Crampé

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Et ça prend 3x excellent .... J'ai bon espoir avec Mac ! Avec Jules, c'est autre chose, à moins d'avoir des juges Européens ...

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Merdouille, est-ce que je peux inscrire mon chien quand même, même si il est listed pour le CKC ..... confus

Pour les juges, bien Jules restera avec son père à la maison je pense .... doh

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