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Saint mom

Heartgard Plus, Interceptor et Revolution - Résistance?

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C'est en anglais mais en gros, le Whole Dog Journal de juillet rapporte que certains produits contre les vers du coeur ont développé une résistance. Surtout dans la région du Mississipi. On parle de Heartgard Plus, Interceptor et Revolution.

Citation :
...The Whole Dog Journal is out for July, and no one else has mentioned this: There is a lot of evidence that "at least one strain of heartworms has developed resistance to some of the market's best-known preventives". (When they're talking "best-known preventives" they are talking Heartgard Plus, Interceptor and Revolution). This is a 5-page article and should be closely studied (IMHO) by all dog lovers.

The good news - this resistance is most prominently seen in the Mississippi delta area, from St. Louis on down south. There is a sidebar titled "What you can do . . ." and they list 4 things: Have Fido tested for heartworm annually. Give Fido the preventive year-round (I know a lot of people skip winter to save money, but . . .).

#3: "If you live in the Mississippi River Valley, consider switching to Advantage Multi for better protection from the resistant strain of heartworm."

#4: "If your dog's risk is high, talk to your vet about possibly giving your dog a higher dose of Heartgard or using preventives twice a month."

It looks as if Heartgard is especially targeted in this article. Has anyone else read this article? I am in the process of eliminating many magazine subscriptions, but two which I will never drop are Whole Dog Journal and Bark. If you want to see this article, WDJ sells back issues ...

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