Animal 0 Posté(e) le 1 avril 2005 Last Update: 31/03/2005 18:20 Force-feeding geese to be illegal as of Friday By Tzafrir Rinat, Haaretz Correspondent The practice of force-feeding geese for foie gras will be illegal as of Friday, the High Court of Justice decided Thursday. The court ruled more than a year ago that the practice was illegal, but granted an extension to goose farmers - which ends Thursday - to allow them to develop an alternate career or to prove that geese can be fattened without violating the law against harming animals. The High Court on Thursday rejected an Agriculture Ministry request to extend the period of reprieve, citing the Knesset's refusal to approve legislation allowing for further extensions. The original court ruling came as a result of a petition filed by animal-rights groups, who argued that force-feeding and fattening geese to enlarge their livers and sell them to restaurants constitutes illegal abuse of the geese. Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites