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Un monde de fous !!!!!!!!!!!!

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Serbian chefs go for testicles

Specialist cooks from around the world have gathered in Serbia for the World Testicle Cooking Championship.

Testicles are regarded as a gourmet delicacy in Serbia and the country is hoping to develop an export market.

The championship was organised by Ljubomir Erovic, of the Serbian Tourism Board, as a way of promoting the dish.

He said: "The best cooked balls come from Serbia and we wanted to stage this contest to show the world what great dishes can be cooked using testicles, which are known locally here as white kidneys."

Serbian daily newspaper Glas Javnosti said the contest in the village of Savinac, close to town of Gornji Milanovac, was won by gourmet testicle chef Dejan Milovanovic from Belgrade.

His specialist dish prepared using testicles from a bull and a boar beat off challengers from around the world, who cooked their way through more than 20 kilos of prepared testicles.

Milovanovic added: "Testicles are becoming more popular in Belgrade and we hope that more restaurants will offer this local speciality now that they see what tasty dishes can be created."

Next year the event will include an 'exotic testicles' section where chefs will have to come up with a dish using camel and ostrich testicles.

Organiser Erovic said: "All testicles can be eaten, except human of course - we don't want any cannibals here."

'There's a mouse in my soup'

Heinz is considering legal action after a woman claimed she found a dead mouse inside a can of soup.

Therese Oulad, 49, claims the mouse was floating on top of her Cream of Tomato soup.

She told the Sun: "I almost threw up - it was horrific. I thought I was hallucinating when I saw this black creature standing up in my lunch."

The tin of soup was bought for her by a friend from a Safeway near her home in Northolt, West London.

But Heinz spokesman Michael Mullen said: "This is a completely unsubstantiated allegation and we are shocked that such a story was published without any investigation or validation by a government authority.

"If as expected the mouse was placed in the soup outside of Heinz's control, we will review our legal options."

Mr Mullen added: "It's virtually impossible for this incident to have occurred."

All soup cans were upside-down during processing and compressed air was blown in to clear any debris. The soup was sieved and the can immediately sealed.

He added: "We are confident once the product is examined it will turn out the animal was not present during processing."

A dalmatian which rides a motorcycle has been turning heads in a Chinese city.

The dalmatian wears sunglasses while riding the motorbike and sidecar in Nanjing.

Its owner says the dog can drive for about 200 metres at speeds of up to 5mph.


An elite American Swat team wants to train a small monkey as the ultimate reconnaissance tool.

Wearing a bullet-proof vest, video camera and two-way radio, the capuchin monkey would be able to get into places no officer or robot could go.

"Everybody laughs about it until they really start thinking about it. It would change the way we do business," Said Mesa Officer Sean Truelove.

Truelove, who builds and operates tactical robots for the suburban Phoenix, Arizona, Swat team, wants to train the monkey for special ops intelligence work.

The tiny primate with puzzle-solving skills, could unlock doors, search buildings and find suicide victims on command, he said.

A grant proposal with the Department of Defence under the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency has been filed.

The Swat team is looking for about £60,000 to purchase, train and care for the monkey over a three year period.

A Brazilian MP has drawn up a new law to ban people from giving their pets 'human' names.

Pastor Reinaldo, from Rio Grande do Sul, says it's embarrassing for people to find they have the same name as a dog or cat.

He told Terra Noticias Populares: "It is terribly embarrassing when someone finds out that someone else has named their pets with their name."

Under his new law, anyone who gives their animals a human name could be fined and also ordered to carry out community service.

The law, which was approved in the first round of voting, still has to be approved by a community commission to finally become active.


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Qu'il ne s'inquiète pas le pasteur, je n'appellerai jamais aucun de mes animaux Reinaldo : beueeuurrrrrkkkkk! Mais est-ce possible que cette loi se soit rendue jusque là !!!! C'est tellement :evil: ridicule!!!!!

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