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Transplantations animal à homme, bientôt une réalité....

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The transplantation of organs from animals to humans could soon be a reality, scientists said yesterday.

Speaking at the BA Festival of Science in Dublin, Dr Anthony Warrens, of Imperial College, London, said xenotransplantation, the process of transplanting organs from one species into another, could soon ease the shortages in body parts.

There are about five times more patients than organs available for transplant.

Dr Warrens said he would have been pessimistic about the possibilities of xenotransplants if asked five years ago.

However, he said: "There have been significant developments over the course of the past year."

Experiments using GM pigs have led to the survival of transplants of pig tissue in experimental animal models for more than 80 days.

"This is a great advance on the previous life expectancy which could be measured in hours," he said.

"Although the idea of xenotransplantation is far from new, it is only in recent years that many of the potential immunological problems, such as transplant rejection, have been solved, meaning the process of transplanting organs from one species into another, could soon be a reality.

With the increasing shortage of donors for organ transplants, the use of animal organs may be the only hope for many suffering from problems such as kidney, heart or lung failure.

"One of the attractions of the pig is the widespread acceptance that it is regarded as ethically proper to rear and then kill large numbers of pigs for food.

"Many feel that there is a much lesser degree of ethical challenge to rear these animals to save human life. While there are religious and vegetarian groups who take a different view about the use of animals, theirs remains a minority opinion."

However, despite the progress made in this field, there are still problems associated with transplanting animal organs into humans.

The dangers of animal viruses crossing over and infecting humans are still a cause for concern.

In addition, unknown animal pathogens could prove a potential problem.

While scientists can create treatment and transplant rejection prevention strategies for known human pathogens, they are unable to do so for animal pathogens.

Dr Warrens said: "Despite the risks, xenotransplantation may be the best hope we have for dealing with the current transplant shortage. Currently there are around 6,000 on the kidney transplant waiting list, whose condition will only get worse without a transplant.

"Although we can't say there is absolutely no danger of cross infection, I believe that in the future we will be able to deal with many of the problems."

Prof Maggie Dallman, of Imperial College, said rejection of transplant organs and diseases caused when the immune system turns on the body - such as diabetes and multiple sclerosis - could one day be treated with specialised white blood cells to regulate immunity.

The cells are called regulatory T cells, and are involved in controlling the body's response to its own proteins, preventing attack.

Now scientists are working out how to boost their numbers with molecular signals.

"Such regulatory cells have the capacity to prevent rejection of transplanted tissue while leaving the rest of the immune system of the person intact and capable of dealing with an infectious agent," she told the festival.

"Although we have developed effective drug therapies to prevent organ graft destruction in the short term we know that long-term survival rates have not improved with such approaches."

9 September 2005: Fossils show flying reptiles were 'size of a small aeroplane'
13 January 2003: Boost to transplant surgery by cloning of miniature pig

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Oui ma belle Cé.... et des valves de cochons pour les cardiaques...

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Oui, je pense que c'est plutôt ce que je voulais dire... des valves... une fille avec qui je travaillais, il y a 10 ans de cela, m'avait dit que son père allait avoir cette chirurgie. Elle m'avait dit que son père était un homme très très gros. Elle, elle était mince et elle mangeait très peu de viande. Par exemple, elle ne faisait pas mettre de pepperoni sur sa pizza et elle se faisait souvent des salades de légumineuses. Dans le temps, je n'étais pas du tout militante et je ne ressentais même pas l'idée de convaincre les autres.... C'est incroyable...

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C'est vrai que c'est incroyable quand on se met à penser comment on était avant de "voir la lumière" !! Je me souviens également d'une voisine quand j'étais plus jeune que tout l'monde surnommait "granola"... Les gens disaient qu'elle ne mangeait que des céréales ... Elle était vegan, et moi, elle me faisait pitié- je croyais que c'était une maladie... un genre de "folie" quoi ! Shit

J'ai également eu une amie Hindoue en Allemagne qui était vegan ! J'étais fascinée par ce qu'elle cuisinait: un tas de trucs que je ne connaissais pas, qui étaient délicieux et qu'elle faisait venir des Indes... Je la trouvais cependant ridicule lorsque je lui offrais un morceau de chocolat et qu'elle regardait sur la boîte pour être certaine que ce chocolat ne contenait pas de produit animal ... Aujourd'hui, c'est moi qui me trouve ridicule, car à ce moment-là, j'aurais dû déjà allumer !! Shit
p.s.: elle était vegan pour des raisons de religion... mais elle aimait aussi beaucoup les animaux !

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je croyais que c'était une maladie... un genre de "folie" quoi !

C'est probablement parce qu'on nous inculque tellement que la normalité est de manger de la viande mais aujourd'hui, on parle de + en + de végétariesme alors ça fait moins étrange et moins extra-terreste, mais il reste que quand on regarde jusqu'à quel point on a pu être engourdis, on ne doit pas s'étonner non plus que les autres autour de nous n'allument pas trop vite non plus... Shit

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Exactement Cé ! Shit

p.s.... je te laisse ma belle Cé ! Je tombe de sommeil....
À demain flowers

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