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Courses de lévriers bientôt interdite en Angleterre ?

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3 September 2005
Exclusive By Aiden Magee

LONDON may be about to kiss goodbye to greyhound racing as housebuilders George Wimpey are believed to have bought the Walthamstow track for &L&35m.

With Wimbledon Stadium also a target to be sold off, the capital could see the end of nearly 80 years of racing by Easter next year.

Sources close to Walthamstow's owners, the Chandler family, say the site has been snapped up by Wimpey for &L&35m.

One source says the track could be shut down as early as November this year but other estimates say it is more likely to close next March.

Walthamstow is Britain's best-attended greyhound venue and has had punters flooding in under the Chandler banner since 1933.

But, despite its popularity, the track's annual accounts reveal they have struggled to keep a lid on costs.

The prime East London site has long been a target for developers as it is just half a mile from where the new London 2012 Olympic Stadium will be built.

The 28 shareholders each want &L&1m from the sale but, before they can cash in, greyhound racing insiders say &L&10m worth of debts have to be paid.

Trainers and staff also have to be paid off with the cash, while over 1,000 dogs face uncertain futures, should both tracks close.

Chandler died just 13 years after the track opened but it has remained in the family ever since.

The Greyhound Racing Association are also thought to be looking to sell Wimbledon Stadium for development despite buying it only recently.

The stadium is on a large mortgage and while the track is covering its costs, it has made little profit.

But there is still hope that racing will continue at the stadium if a compromise can be reached that will see only part of the site sold to a supermarket chain.

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C'est un petit peu bizarre qu'un pays qui compte autant de vegans et qui est presque que le berceau du V aient encore des coutumes comme la chasse à courre et les courses de lévriers. Mais les traditions ont la couenne dure....

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