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Lettre d'une citoyenne réveillée...

Messages recommandés

The Ottawa Citizen
Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Re: Europe rushes to protect its poultry, Oct. 15.

Every time there is a story about avian flu, it is always about the
consequences for humans. We talk so freely about thousands of birds
being "destroyed," but the images I see of people throwing chickens
into bags like yesterday's garbage are extremely cruel and
disturbing. There are humane methods such as controlled atmosphere
killing (CAK) that would ensure these birds have painless deaths. Yet
authorities choose barbaric ways of slaughtering these animals.
All animals can feel fear and pain and the fact that we choose to eat
chickens or pigs and not dogs or cats does not mean chickens and pigs
deserve such cruel treatment.

We can learn a lot from the endurance and integrity of chickens,
geese and ducks which have a hellish life from the minute they are
born until they end up on someone's plate (not mine, since I am a
vegetarian). I am also starting to believe humans deserve the avian
flu and the horrible consequences of it for being such destructive,
greedy and mean creatures.

Marcela Donato,


©️ The Ottawa Citizen 2005

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