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Raincoast Conservation Society achète un territoire

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Raincoast Conservation Society a acheté, au coût de 1.35 millions de dollars, un territoire de 20,000-pieds carrés en C. Britannique afin que les ours n'y soient plus chassés.... thumleft

Conservationists pay more than $1 million to end bear hunt
Last updated Dec 13 2005 07:35 AM PST

CBC News

An environmental group has bought the trophy hunting rights in one of the
most valuable guide outfitting territories in B.C. – ending the shooting of
bears and wolves in a 20,000-square-kilometre area of B.C.'s Central Coast
by foreign hunters.

The Raincoast Conservation Society spent $1.35 million to buy out Bella
Coola Guide Outfitters, which had the exclusive trophy hunting rights in the
area known as the Great Bear Rainforest.

Society director Ian McAllister says the wilderness around Bella Coola has
"globally rare" wildlife.

"It's an area where the [white] spirit bear is found. It's some of the
largest grizzly and black bears in Canada. It's just one of those
spectacular places on the planet."

But the purchase doesn't mean an end to all hunting in the area. McAllister
says B.C. residents will still be entitled to hunt in the territory.

"People shouldn't get confused with this as a hunting versus anti-hunting
issue. It's not that at all. It's strictly focused on the sport hunting of
large carnivores like bears and wolves."

The Raincoast Conservation Society and First Nations groups now plan to
develop a new wildlife photography industry to offset the loss of income
from foreign hunters.

McAllister says the $1.35 million was a lot of money to raise, but notes
none of it came came from government.

"The interesting thing is this didn't take a single taxpayers' dollar, and
the vast majority of it was raised (and) supported by Canadian individuals."

Go to the web page and at the bottom =

RADIO INTERVIEW: The Early Edition's Rick Cluff speaks with Ian McAllister
of the Raincoast Conservation Society.

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