Animal 0 Posté(e) le 23 décembre 2005 Voila ce qui arrive lorsque l'on défend seulement les chats et les chiens! ------------------------- Thursday » December 22 » 2005 People can buy 'real fur' with confidence National Post Thursday, December 22, 2005 Re: Are You Wearing Dog Fur?, letters to the editor, Dec. 21. Members of the Canadian fur trade share the concerns of others who were shocked by recent claims that dogs and cats are being cruelly treated in China and some European countries. It is very unfair and unnecessary, however, to suggest that the solution is to not buy fur at all, as these letter writers suggest. Canadian fur designers, manufacturers and retailers do not use furs from domestic dogs or cats, and our trade has adopted a clear policy to confirm this. The fur trade is strictly regulated in Canada to ensure that beaver, muskrat and other wild furs -- or farmed mink and fox -- are taken humanely. The sustainable use of wildlife is now promoted by the World Wildlife Fund and every other serious conservation organization. Synthetics, by contrast, are usually derived from petroleum, a non-renewable resource -- and oil spills aren't very good for wildlife. The fur trade supports the livelihoods and cultures of some 60,000 aboriginal and other Canadians living in some of the most remote regions of our country. Beaver, muskrat and other animals provide food, as well as fur and income, for many northern communities. When buying fur, how can you know what you're buying? It's simple: The fur type is always clearly indicated on apparel sold in fur stores, so consumers can enjoy the beauty and comfort of beaver, mink or other fine furs with complete confidence. Falsely labelling fur is illegal under provisions of the Canadian Competition Act. Alan Herscovici, executive vice-president, Fur Council of Canada, Montreal. National Post 2005 Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites