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Centenaire végétarienne...

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Thursday, January 05, 2006
Richardson to observe 100th birthday


News Staff Writer

MOUNT VERNON — As Kathryn Richardson prepares to turn 100 on Friday, her philosophy and reflections on life are pretty basic.

“Make it simple ... accept changes as they come ... work hard ... eat healthy ... and exercise,” she said.

Kathryn was born Jan. 6, 1906, in Pennsylvania. She attended school at the Mount Vernon Academy, where she met her husband, Robert. They married in 1925 and had three children: William, who lives in Michigan; Daniel, who lives in California; and Dorothy Behner, who lives in Mount Vernon.

Richardson attended Andrews University in Michigan, where she enjoyed public speaking while pursuing her teacher certificate. Before she was married she taught grades first through fourth in a one-room schoolhouse in Redding, Pa. A rather small woman, Richardson said it was sometimes a challenge keeping the older boys in line.

“Those boys were pretty big,” she said.

Kathryn Richardson of Mount Vernon turns 100 years old on Friday. (Photo by Beth Durbin)

Following retirement, she and her husband traveled extensively through the western United States, “enjoying it all,” she said, until he passed away.

She has always loved going to school and used to read a lot until recent macular degeneration has made it difficult, even with the use of a reading magnifier.

“I raised three children so I had to use my brain a lot,” she chuckled.

Her advice on raising children is, “It’s important to adjust your view for the time you are living in and to adjust your viewpoint to those of your children’s.”

Richardson has been a vegetarian most of her life.

“Our church didn’t believe in slaughtering animals,” she explained. Since both of her parents died young, she attributes her diet to a long life and having never been sick.

“I also worked hard and exercised,” she said.

Change has always come easy for her.

“Everything has modernized. But it came so gradually that I adjusted easily. Change is good; it broadens your viewpoint,” she said.

Her family extends an open invitation to her 100th birthday celebration on Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Inn at HillenVale. They ask that cards be given in lieu of gifts.

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Ma belle Do, comme cet article n'est pas traduit, je pense que nous pourrons le conserver pour le prochain bulletin, puisque de toutes façons, dans ce numéro, nous avons le fondateur du veganisme. Je pense que les végétariens seront satisfaits avec Donald Watson pour cette fois. content

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Ah Merci Cé ! Je me souviens maintenant que nous avions eu une discussion concernant l'église dont il est fait mention dans cet article...

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05 janvier 2006- Centenaire végétarienne-
La philosophie de Madame Kathryn Richardson est bien simple: Accepter les changements avec sérénité, travailler fort, faire de l’exercice et manger sainement. Kathryn est née le 6 janvier 1906 en Pensylvanie. Elle fréquentait l’école d’académie de Mount Vernon lorsqu’elle a rencontré son mari, Robert. Ils se sont mariés en 1925 et ont eu 3 enfants : William, Daniel et Dorothy. Mme Richardson a poursuivi des études et obtenu son certificat d'enseignante. Avant son mariage, elle enseignait à des garcons de la 1ière à la 4ième année, dans une seule pièce d’une petite école primaire de Redding en Pensylvanie. Toute menue, Madame Richardson avoue qu’il était parfois difficile de contenir les garçons.
Suite à leur retraite et jusqu’à la mort de son mari, le couple a voyagé à travers tout l’Ouest des Etats-Unis. Madame Richardson a toujours aimé aller à l’école et lisait énormément jusqu’à son récent problème oculaire de dégénérescence maculaire. « J’ai élevé 3 enfants, donc j’ai beaucoup utilisé mes méninges » dit-elle en ricanant. Mme Richardson a été végétarienne presque toute sa vie. « Notre église était contre l’abattage d’animaux » explique-t-elle. Ses deux parents étant décédés très jeunes, elle croit que son alimentation végétarienne lui a permis de vivre une longue vie sans jamais être malade. « J’ai aussi beaucoup travaillé et fait de l’exercice» ajoute-t-elle. Madame Richardson a toujours su s’adapter aux changements : « Tout s’est modernisé, mais je m’y suis ajusté graduellement. » « Les changements élargissent notre champs de vision » dit-elle.

( viens de voir qu’il y a un copyright sur l’article…)(?)

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Schnout alors !!!! scratchscratch
Peut-être qu'on pourrait écrire à l'auteur en précisant que nous mentionnerions la source confused

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D'accord Cé, je leur enverrai un p'tit mot aujourd'hui

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C'est parti ! Je t'en ai fait parvenir une copie dans ton courrier aequoanimo... J'espère qu'ils nous répondront !

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Malheureusement, je n'ai toujours pas reçu de réponse, même si j'ai renvoyé ma lettre à nouveau, à 2 autres adresses du journal...

En attendant, voici l'histoire d'une autre "petite vieille" VG

Published: July 19, 2006 12:29 pm

Denver woman, 101, visits Sapulpa

Etha Lee “Mother” Swaizey visited Sapulpa this week and was honored Monday by the City Council.

Herald Assistant Editor

Etha Lee “Mother” Swaizey is surprisingly spry and alert for her 101 years. She lives in an apartment by herself in Denver, Colo. She still does her own shopping, walking the eight blocks each way to the local grocery store.

She attends a Seventh Day Adventist church every Saturday, where she enjoys singing and reading Bible stories to the children in the congregation.

So when this remarkable woman decided to travel from her Denver home to Sapulpa by bus to celebrate her 101st birthday in Sapulpa, Mayor Doug Haught decided to name Monday “Etha Lee Swaizey Day” in Sapulpa.

Swaizey has traveled all over the country with her dear friend, Joann Stiggers, as part of Stiggers’ project of compiling a living history of Swaizey. Stiggers hopes to finish the book in time for Oklahoma’s centennial celebration next year.

“I met her when she was 93,” Stiggers recounted, “and I thought she was amazing.”

Born July 14, 1905 in Shepherd, Texas, Swaizey was raised by her father and grandmother after the untimely death of her mother.

Her father was a school teacher, so Swaizey said she was always eager to learn. She soon became her father’s teaching assistant before going to high school, then to college in Conroe, Texas.

She got married and gave birth to five children, two of which are still alive. She has 13 grandchildren, but she says she lost count after that.

“Just like a tree, these branches spring up,” Swaizey said, referring to her family.

Swaizey has seen a lot during her 101 years, but the most historic event that sticks out in her sharp mind is the sinking of the Titanic.

“I was 9 years old,” she said. “Folks had said, ‘Even God can’t sink this ship.’ I guess he proved them wrong.”

Swaizey, a vegetarian since age 39, credits her healthy lifestyle and faith for her long life.

“The human body is like a car,” she said, “and cars come with a manual. If you follow the manual, that car’s going to last for a long time.

“We have a manual called the Bible. I’ve followed it my whole life,” she said.

The only daily medication that Swaizey takes is vitamins, and she said the only time she recalls being ill is when she gave birth.

Swaizey, who will board a bus back to Denver early Thursday morning, said of all the places she has visited, she feels most at home in Oklahoma.

“This is my first time to be here,” she said. “And people are so friendly.”

“She is really amazing,” said hostess Maxine Caesar. “She has all this energy. It’s been a joy to have her here.”

Jami Mattox 224-5185 Ext.200

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Malheureusement, je n'ai toujours pas reçu de réponse, même si j'ai renvoyé ma lettre à nouveau, à 2 autres adresses du journal...

Ils n'ont pas trop l'air de lire leurs courriels scratch

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Toujours pas de réponse Cé ! Peut-être qu'on n'aura pas le choix que de laisser tomber, à moins que l'on ne fasse qu'un petit paragraphe pour parler brièvement de ces 2 autres centenaires VGs... (?)

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Je pense moi aussi que nos lettres vont directement dans leurs spams ! Shit Je me demande bien à quoi ça sert de mettre des adresses pour les contacter s'il est impossible de le faire ! Rolling Eyes

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