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Greens not opposed to aboriginal sealing

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Jan 16, 2006

Greens not opposed to aboriginal sealing, says candidate
From CBC North

Greens not opposed to aboriginal sealing, says candidate
Last updated Jan 16 2006 12:35 PM CST
CBC News Nunavut's Green Party candidate, Feliks Kappi, is at odds with his
party over its position on the seal hunt.
Kappi says his party's opposition to the commercial seal hunt in Newfoundland
could hurt Inuit who rely on seal pelts and meat to survive.
While he doesn't agree with Green Party leader Jim Harris' stand on this issue,
Kappi sees the situation as an opportunity to educate his leader about seal
hunting in Nunavut, and its place in traditional Inuit life.
"My grandfather was natsilikmiutaq [from the people of the seal], you know their
survival was on the seal and I understand that and I know that… there's a lot of
Nunavummiut that their only source of livelihood and only source of income is to
sell seal pelts," he says. "And we do utilize the meat as well so I am for the
seal hunt and this is what I've heard from Nunavummiut as well."
Kappi says he's speaking out because many Nunavummiut have approached him with
concerns about his party's position.
"I told them that I support what they have to say, the Nunavummiut, and I will
take this to Jim Harris and we will work together to make sure that Jim Harris
understands what this statement is saying and what it means to Nunavummiut," he
A spokesperson for the Green Party, Matt Takach, says their opposition to the
seal hunt doesn't extend to Inuit in Nunavut, or other aboriginal people.
Takach says it's just the commercial seal hunt that troubles Harris, who
suggested back in December that Newfoundlanders would be further ahead with
seal-watching tours instead of a seal hunt.
"The party policy on the seal hunt is only applying to the commercial seal hunt
taking place in Newfoundland," says Takach. "The Green Party fully respects
Inuit and aboriginal rights to hunt and the traditional rights they have had to
hunt seal and to hunt other animal on the land."
But Kappi says he's still concerned that banning the hunt in Newfoundland would
have consequences for Nunavut as well.
He says he's looking forward to discussing the matter further with Harris and
other party officials.
(with notes from Fiona Christensen)

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j'crois pas que j'irai voter cette année ! Y'en a pas un pour racheter l'autre ! Tous des "fall-ball" ! Thumb down

Aujourd'hui à la radio, les immigrants de plusieurs communautés étaient questionnés sur leurs intentions de vote et la plupart ont dit qu'ils voteraient Libéral, principalement parce qu'ils savaient ce qu'ils pouvaient avoir maintenant: l'assurance-chômage, l'aide sociale, ... etc. etc. Ils disaient aussi que vu que madame Michaelle Jean était devenue lieutenant gouverneur du Canada que cela démontrait une volonté du Fédéral à vouloir intégrer les diversités ethniques et que malgré toutes les magouilles du Libéral, ils lui resteraient fidèles!

Ça m'intrigue quand même de savoir qui va rentrer !

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[quote="Animal"]j'crois pas que j'irai voter cette année ! Y'en a pas un pour racheter l'autre ! Tous des "fall-ball" ! Thumb down

Oui, c'est choquant, Do ! Shocked Ça fait vraiment pitié ! Tu devrais y aller quand même pour annuler ton vote. Ça leur montre ce qu'on pense d'eux tous. Je vais aller jeter un coup d'oeil voir de quoi a l'air le green qui se présente dans mon comté et c'est bien possible que j'annule ...

Citation :
Ça m'intrigue quand même de savoir qui va rentrer !

Je pense que ce seront probablement les libéraux, quand même.

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