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Décès de Coretta Scott King

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Coretta Scott King, veuve de Martin Luther King est décédée hier à l'âge de 78 ans. Madame King était vegan.

"I feel blessed that I was introduced to this (vegan) lifestyle more than 15 years ago by my son, Dexter. I prefer to eat mostly raw or 'living' foods. The benefits for me are increased energy, a slowing of the aging process, and I have none of the diseases like hypertension, heart disease and diabetes that many people my age seem to get."
--- Coretta Scott King

"If you're violent to yourself putting [harmful] things into your body that violate its spirit, it will be difficult not to perpetuate that [violence] onto someone else. "On January 30, 1988, my twenty-seventh birthday, I became a strict vegetarian. I developed a passion for health and nutrition. My diet consists of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and legumes only.”
--- Dexter Scott King, president & vegan
MLK Center for Non-violent Social Change, Atlanta

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