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PONEYS recherchent famille(s) ou refuge

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6 poneys pesant env. 400 livres et âgés entre 1 à 30 ans : 4 mâles, 1 femelle + 1 autre qui attend des petits. Ces poneys n'ont pas été bien traités et requièrent des familles qui les laisseront vivre leur vie tranquile; ils ne doivent pas être entraînés pour être montés car ils sont nerveux et ont vécu de façon plutôt sauvage, laissés à eux-mêmes. Ils seront vendus pour la viande s'ils ne sont pas adoptés rapidement d'ici une semaine.

613-525-0049 or 514-777-6713 : RRR
Looking for a home for 6 ponies (4 stallions ,1 mare(pregnant), and one foal) These ponies range in age from 1 to 30 years old.They have been living wild on the owners 200+ acre property.Breeding for years ,the owners have never given any medical attention so most of the ponies and babies have died .They are nervous of people because they have not been handled..

We have convinced the owners not to ship them to be slaughtered for meat. They do not have much time as the owners are getting divorced and want rid of them as soon as possible.(kind of like getting rid of the old car in the back yard)

We are looking for a home with someone who has some property and would like to have a couple of them live out their life as they were.......basically free (with the benefits of being well fed and veterinary care).

We are not looking for a home with people who want to train them to be ridden.Being wild for so long it would be traumatizing.
With time,patience ,and caring they could probubly become friendly and good companions just like dogs or cats .They are certainly beautiful and enjoyable to watch them live free with their herd.

They are small ponies around 400lbs.

Unfortunally we cannot take them here because we have so many already and people don't tend to support horses or other animals as they do dogs and cats.

They will be adopted out under contract with the Refuge .

Someone out there must want to give these beings that share this earth with us a chance to live out their days peacefully.

anyone interested can call me at 613-525-0049 or 514-777-6713...........they only have about a week

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4 poneys adoptés pour le moment.

The four stallions were adopted by somebody who will continue giving them freedom but with the benefit of food, shelter and love and care.

The mare and baby were in such bad condition they had to bring them to the refuge. It looks like the baby will also have to be euthanized because of extreme hip displasia. Just awaiting a second opinion.

There was also a 20+ Belgian Mare who was extremely emaciated. She also had to be brought to the refuge because of her condition. But will eventually need a permanant home.

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Après l'adoption des 4 poneys, le message de Rose fut le suivant :

I had such a good response for the ponies that I thought maybe someone could help me find a home for a 27 year old Arabian Stallion

alors je ne sais pas s'il reste encore 2 poneys en adoption ou s'ils n'étaient pas adoptables étant donné leur état.

The mare and baby were in such bad condition they had to bring them to the refuge. It looks like the baby will also have to be euthanized because of extreme hip displasia. Just awaiting a second opinion.

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