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Une lettre de Sinikka à l'honorable Day

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Il est pas barré le p'tit gars !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thumleftcheers


From: Sinikka Crosland
To: The Hon. Mr. Stockwell Day, Minister of Public Safety and Member of

Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Subject: Attn: Doug Sharp--seal slaughter concerns (for Hon. Mr. Day)

Dear Mr. Day:

We congratulate you on your election success, as well as on your new position as
Minister of Public Safety.

My daughter Carmen and I recall that it was a year ago when we met at Tim
Horton's in Westbank, and at that time, she brought her concerns to you
regarding Canada's annual slaughter of baby harp seals. Just prior to the
election, you stated publicly that Mr. Geoff Regan had not responded to multiple
letters that you had sent to him with regard to this issue. I then asked what
could be done about the problem, and you indicated that a new Conservative
government would be the answer.

Now that Mr. Loyola Hearn is at the helm of the Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans,
we have been following his statements regarding this brutal and unnecessary
yearly rite (in fact, the largest massacre of marine mammals in the world). The
beginning of the seal slaughter is imminent, and this year the quota has been
increased to 325,000 (an increase yet over the previous year's quota set by the
Liberal government). In spite of increased melting of ice floes and the high
probability that seal pups will suffer losses via drowning, caution has been
thrown to the four winds by Hearn. I am now left to wonder what has been
achieved by repeatedly bringing animal welfare and ecological concerns to the
doorstep of our elected leaders.

Mr. Day, will you commit to defending these peaceful creatures that surely do
not deserve to be beaten over the head and left to suffocate in pools of blood,
all for an unnecessary industry? Further, a recent, groundbreaking study
released by Bristol University showed that the historic high kill levels in the
Canadian commercial seal hunt pose a threat to the very survival of the harp
seal population. (I can provide you with details at your request.)

Another area I would like to address is the fact that I am seeking the
assistance of a member of parliament who would launch a complaint to the Ethics
Commissioner on our behalf. We feel that Mr. Stephen Harper has allowed a
conflict-of-interest issue to develop by appointing a Newfoundland-based MP to
the post of Minister of Fisheries and Oceans. This position would more
appropriately be filled by a member of parliament from a non-Maritime province.
Now can anyone be sure that a native Newfoundlander will make decisions
conducive to the benefit of Canada as a whole, rather than focusing on the needs
of Newfoundland fishermen? There is widespread concern about the seal slaughter
throughout the nation. Our fisheries minister needs to represent all of Canada,
not just Newfoundland. Please advise me as to the steps I can take concerning
the presentation of an official complaint to the Ethics Commissioner.

I sensed during our meetings that you are a compassionate man and live according
to principles of excellent stewardship over the needy and suffering. I'm sure
that you would never tolerate treatment of dogs and cats similar to what occurs
every year on the ice floes of the Maritimes.

Carmen and I await your reply, and would further be interested in your
impression of the videotape that we left for you to view one year ago.

Respectfully yours,
Sinikka and Carmen Crosland
Westbank, B.C.

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hahahhahhha Je ne sais pas pourquoi je pense toujours que Sinikka est un homme !!!!!!!!!! Donc, elle est pas barrée " la tite madame" ! Mr. Green

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adorable ! heart

J'ai posté la lettre que Charron avait lu à TVA... ça fait 2 lettres qu'il écrit l'écoeurant en faveur de la chasse...

J'ai fait des recherches pour tenter de retracer l'article de la Bombardier mais je n'ai rien trouvé... J'espère que David te l'enverra s'il l'a... à moins qu'elle n'ait fait que ces commentaires sur les ondes (?)

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Il a dit que c'était à TVA, alors, à moins que ce soit en video comme parfois, on n'aura rien.

Je vais aller lire l'opinion du bonhomme Charron. Il en fait une à tous les soirs aux nouvelles de TVA, Do.

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Quel salopard ! Comme je l'ai mentionné dans le forum privé, j'espère que les défenseurs des animaux Français vont lui faire la fête à son arrivée !!!!!!!!! Il mériterait d'être battu à coup de gourdin le salaud ! Mad

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Ils sont tous vendus aux politiciens, aux chasseurs ! Ils sont à plat ventre devant eux - leur nez est couvert de m...e ! Thumb down

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