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Lettre pour les chevaux de Turquie à Linda...

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Allo ma belle Cé, voici le mot que je viens d'envoyer à Linda...Je lui ai suggéré de la placer dans le forum (pétition), car tout le monde sait maintenant, que je lui ai offert de traduire sa lettre ... wink

Allo Linda, Voici ma petite traduction. Si tu le désire, tu peux la poster dans notre forum (Pétition) et d’autres personnes pourront aussi l’utiliser.. À bientôt,

Turan Aslan, M.D., President
Refik Saydam Hygiene Center
Cemal Gursel Caddesi, No. 18
06100 Sihhiye, Ankara

His Excellency Ahmet Necdet Sezer
President of the Turkish Republic
Cankaya Kosku
Sehit Ersan Caddesi, No. 14
Çankaya, Ankara

I am writing to you totay concerning the cruelty which the government-run Refik Saydam Hygiene Center (RSHC) is using to collect equine serum on fully conscient live horses. Horses are being held down with ropes and bled from gaping neck wounds, a very stressful and painful procedure which can last for several hours before the horses die. It is hard to believe that such crimes are perpetrated in a medical center and it certainly portrays Turkey as an uncivilized country. I can assure you that as long as these atrocities are going on, I will never visit Turkey, and I will also encourage my friends and family not to go to a country where animals are tortured in such a way.

Hoping that you will take into consideration the multiple outcries and reactions from the public worldwide, I would appreciate an answer on your part.

Linda Lachapelle

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Citation :
Allo ma belle Cé, voici le mot que je viens d'envoyer à Linda...Je lui ai suggéré de la placer dans le forum (pétition), car tout le monde sait maintenant, que je lui ai offert de traduire sa lettre ...

Bonne idée, Do.

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