hop 0 Posté(e) le 22 avril 2006 Swedish Lab Raid Rescues 126 Animals Friday, April 21 2006 @ 09:30 PM PDT Activists from Djurens Befrielsefront (DBF) in Sweden decided to get an early start for the world day for Lab Animals. On the night to april 17, activists gained access to the animal Lab at Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, by drilling through the walls. Swedes Raid Lab and deliver freedom to 126 Animals. Direct action on behalf of Animals continues. Every day somewhere around the world people are breaking the law to save Animals and sabotage the animal abuse industries. Every single day. http://www.directaction.info communique received by activists in Sweden: "WORLD DAY FOR Lab Animals (www.wwail.org) GET AN EARLY START - 126 Animals LIBERATED Activists from Djurens Befrielsefront (DBF) in Sweden decided to get an early start for the world day for Lab Animals. On the night to april 17, activists gained access to the animal Lab at Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, by drilling through the walls. 126 Animals were removed and rescued from the animal experiments going on in the university - 99 mice, 14 hamsters and 13 rats, and all Animals will be rehomed in new, loving homes where they will never again have to suffer under the human hands. Slogans were also sprayed and red paint splashed everywhere. Many people believe that Raids such as this are impossible today. Nothing is impossible as long as there are Animals being abused behind closed doors. All that is needed is a bit of imagination and the people prepared to open those closed doors. Find the ways and just do it. The Animals cant wait any longer. Our solidarity goes out to animal rights prisoners all over the world, and especially the people recently found guilty for their part in the campaign in closing down Newchurch guinea pig farm. Your dedication gave us hope, lets hope this does the same for you. Stay strong. Lets hope the world week for Lab Animals continues in this spirit all over the world. The doors of the Labs will be open as long as there are people prepared to open them. http://www.infoshop.org/inews/article.php?story=20060421213022490&query=Swedish%2BLab%2BRaid%2BRescues%2B126%2BAnimals Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Animal 0 Posté(e) le 22 avril 2006 Bravo à ces courageuses personnes ! Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites