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Exportation de peaux de phoques du Canada ...

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J'ai retrouvé cette nouvelle que je me rappellais avoir lue il y a quelques mois... Je pense que c'est à cause de pression venant des chasseurs et du gouvernement du Nunavut que les peaux de phoques du Canada peuvent à nouveau être vendues au Groenland...

Seal pelt ban concerns Nunavut minister Last updated Jan 16 2006
03:46 PM NST

CBC News A move by Greenland to ban the import of seal skins from Canada has
shocked Nunavut environment minister Olayuk Akesuk, who calls it the latest blow
to the already fragile seal-skin industry in the territory.
Akesuk says Nunavut sealers could be seriously hurt by the ban by the Greenland
Home Rule Government, which came into effect Jan. 1.
The Greenland government ordered its publicly owned tannery, Great Greenland, to
stop buying Canadian seal pelts because of its opposition to the Newfoundland
seal hunt.
Denmark is one of the largest buyers of Canadian seal skins.Akesuk said the decision by the Home Rule Government is another blow to Inuit
hunters' way of life.
He said hunters in Nunavut have been able to earn a decent living recently,
thanks to the Nunavut government's aggressive public education and promotion of
the sealskin industry. The territory also subsidizes the industry with price
"It's something that we really want to work closely with Greenland as we have
been trying to work with them for a long time and we've done a great job in
working with them," he said.
"And I believe it's time for the government to stand up and say 'look we can't
do that, we've got to work together to make sure that we promote our culture to
the world'." he said.
Akesuk also said sealers from Newfoundland and Labrador ought to do a better
"It's something that Newfoundland should think about how it would they would
promote it better with their seal skin," he says. "How they could use their
byproduct better to make sure that it does not affect Canada's sealing industry
in the future."

FROM CBC ARCHIVES: Pelts, Pups and Protest: The Atlantic Seal Hunt
Akesuk said the impact on Inuit hunters will be great, but he won't know for
sure until the next national auction, in North Bay in December.
He said this is difficult to take, because Greenland is a good neighbour and
Inuit in both countries have a lot in common.
(With notes from Joanna Awa)

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Je sais qu'ils ont envoyé beaucoup de lettres au gouvernement pour se plaindre ... ! On voit bien qu'eux aussi profitent de cette manne, qu'ils font de l'exportation, et que ça n'a rien à voir avec la chasse de subsistance ! Mad

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Y'a qu'les c,,, qui ne s'en rendent pas compte !

C'est comme pour la chasse à l'ours polaire ! Ils servent de guides à des touristes américains et ça leur rapporte gros $

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