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They're Veggies, Y'Know

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Meat The Parents - They're Veggies, Y'Know
By Wendy Davies

"Meat my parents - they're veggies, y'know." Twenty years ago this comment would have been met with a stunned silence, and probably followed by the ignorantly incredulous "But you eat lamb, right?"

Nowadays, however, chances are that it would evoke less than the batting of an eyelid and an assortment of exotic fruits and vegetables and meat-free alternatives would be whipped out from the backroom, in preparation for such a situation.

As vegetarianism has become more fashionable as well as socially acceptable, with many starlets including Stella McCartney, Alicia Silverstone and Jude Law attributing their glowing complexions to a meat-free diet, supermarkets have recognised this transition into the mainstream by dedicating whole freezer sections to meat alternatives. With stir-fries, burgers, pies and fillets, as well as numerous exotic fruits and vegetables to sink your fork into, being a herbivore has never been easier, tastier or so in fashion, darling. And with the UK retail market for vegetarian food increasing by 8% every year, it doesn't seem that the corporate fat cats are complaining either.

With over 4 million vegetarians in the UK to back their cause, The Vegetarian Society will this week aim to raise its public profile by launching the 14th National Vegetarian Week (22 - 28 May) no doubt provoking media discussion on this once deviant and hippy lifestyle. Advocators of this lifestyle including Paul McCartney and daughter Stella who are patrons of the Vegetarian Society, will no doubt be doing all they can to dispel the myth that meat-free equals a limited and bland diet. Just because a person chooses not to eat meat, poultry, game or fish, does not mean they are confined to a squirrel-friendly nut roast as a Sunday 'treat' you know.

However, despite the term 'vegetarian' now becoming globally recognised many still don't realise the full extent to which true vegetarians go to reinvent their carnivorous lifestyle. It is certainly true that most avoid all forms of meat (apart from those who still choose to eat fish) but many don't realise that they also cut out all slaughterhouse by-products, such as rennet (most commonly used in cheese-making), gelatine (used in jelly, marshmallows and fat-reduced foods to simulate the mouth feel of fat) and animal fats.

This list of taboos hasn't intimidated many, it would seem, as the number of vegetarians has doubled in the past ten years and is increasing at a rate of 5000 per week, with women twice as likely to make the transition than men.

So why should you banish the burgers and chuck in the chicken in favour of a greener diet? Well, it's widely agreed that vegetarians are motivated by three key factors:

1. A respect for animals - Many believe that inflicting pain upon our fellow creatures, purely for our consumption, is an unnecessary evil.

2. Environmental awareness - Many see meat consumption as one reason for our rapidly deteriorating planet, as pollution, global warming and deforestation are directly linked to livestock farming.

3. Health issues - It has been proven that a meat-free diet has significant health benefits, particularly in combatting many of the problems plaguing Britain's population today. These include obesity, breast cancer, diabetes and heart disease, the latter being the sole biggest killer in the modern world, despite it being unheard of before this century. I suppose that's the price we pay for 10ft high yellow 'M's greeting us in every town centre, along with the 21st century monstrosity that is the 'Family Feast' KFC bucket.

Add to this that vegetarian food is packed with important protective antioxidants, including the beta-carotene form of vitamins A, C and E, along with a high-fibre content, it's no wonder that so many of us are moving away from meat. It could, in fact, save your life.

If you are thinking about converting to a vegetarian diet it is important to fully consider the change to your dietary requirements. As a basic guide, a vegetarian diet should include the following each day:

3 or 4 servings of cereals/grains
2 or 3 servings of pulses, nuts or seeds
4 or 5 servings of fruit or vegetables, including dark green leafy vegetables, red, orange and yellow vegetables, fresh fruit, dried fruit 2 servings of dairy or soya products, and a small amount of plant oils, margarine or butter

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23 May 2006


By Brian Mciver
IT'S socially-conscious, ever so trendy, might just save your life - and there's never been a better time to turn veggie.

Hot young stars such as Natalie Portman, Orlando Bloom, Tobey Maguire and Andre 3000 are just some of the celebrities who know all about the benefits and advantages of living life meat-free.

And it's not just animals' lives that the ever growing army of health-conscious vegetarians are saving - cutting out meat and meat by-products can help prevent heart disease and many forms of cancer, and provide many other health benefits.

To mark National Vegetarian Week, many unhappy meat eaters are considering making the change, but may worry about making the transition to the way of life.

Here is our guide to help you make the shift away from the meat counter...



A VEGETARIAN is defined as someone who doesn't eat meat, fish, shellfish, poultry, or slaughterhouse by-products like gelatine. You can eat grains, pulses, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruit. Free range eggs (never battery eggs) and dairy products are acceptable if you don't go vegan.

You can also eat meat substitute products such as tofu, soy bean and Mycoprotein (e.g. Quorn).

Vegetarianism goes back to the ancient Greeks, and before 1847, when The Vegetarian Society was formed, non-meat eaters were called Pythagoreans, after mathematician and triangle fan Pythagoras, who was the first renowned vegetarian.


A LITTLE imagination goes a long way and the list of acceptable stuff is longer than you'd expect. Most pizzas are vegetarian, and food product ranges such as Quorn or Linda McCartney provide veggie alternatives to traditional dishes, including burgers, chicken and sausages, with all the taste kept in.


YOU can easily get everything you need from a well-balanced veggie diet - protein also comes in dairy products, eggs and nuts as well as in other foods such as certain pulses and grains.


THE following stars are all vegetarian: Fearne Cotton, Thom Yorke, Sir Ian McKellen, Sir Paul McCartney, Clint Eastwood, Josh Hartnett, B.B. King, Alicia Silverstone, Moby, Martin Kemp, Orlando Bloom, Shania Twain, KimBasinger, Tobey Maguire, Morrissey, Andre 3000, Natalie Portman.


THE Vegetarian Society ( advise you to tell all your friends and family, once you are fully armed with all the info and facts you need to explain your decision. Then it's wise to invest in a veggie cook book so you can learn that it's about more than salads and baked potatoes.

You should start gradually, adapt meals using meat substitutes and develop a balanced diet you're happy with.

To start, you always should check ingredient lists to make sure there's no gelatine or other animal by-product such as animal fat in your foods.


ACCORDING to the Vegetarian Society, your daily diet must include: three/four servings of cereals, grain or potatoes' four/five servings of fruit and veg' two/three servings of pulses, nuts or seeds, two servings of milk, cheese, eggs or soya products' a small amount of vegetable oil and marge or butter, yeast extract with vitamin B12, such as Marmite.


STUDIES have shown that vegetarians intake five per cent less energy as fat than omnivores, have a daily intake of a quarter less fat and have a much higher intake of polyunsaturated fat (the good stuff) than saturated fat (the bad stuff). There's also an increased intake of vital vitamins, nutrients, complex carb and fibre, and lower intakes of sugar and salt.


Veggies have lower risk of coronary heart disease, and have much lower blood cholesterol rates than their omnivorous counterparts.

Studies show heart disease mortality rates to be 61 per cent lower in male vegetarians, 44 in female.

Vegetarianism is often accompanied by low heart pressure, lower obesity rates.

Bowel conditions such as Diverticular Disease are less prevalent among veggies, while they are half as likely to develop gall stones and they are less likely to develop kidney stone problems.

Studies show that women who eat no meat are less likely to develop osteoporosis, appendicitis, gout, hiatus hernia, constipation, haemorrhoids and varicose veins.

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Je crois que le premier article pourrait convenir pour un prochain bulletin (?) Je pourrai le traduire si jamais je ne suis pas prise jusqu'au cou. Ou peut-être que hop pourrait peut-être le faire ?

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Ah ! Parfait dans ce cas ! Alors, hop, si tu passes par ici et que tu as un peu de temps, est-ce que tu pourrais faire cette traduction d'ici le début de juillet ? flower

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oups... j'ai fait une fausse manoeuvre ! Je voulais éditer mon message et je l'ai effacé ...
"Je disais donc que hop s'était proposée pour nous faire de petites traductions, si jamais nous avions besoin d'aide... " content

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Tiens ! je passais par là justement !

Celui là :
Meat The Parents - They're Veggies, Y'Know ?

Voui, je veux bien ! content

bon, faut que j'aille travailler au jardin, bonne journée à vous 2 et à plus tard ! heart


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hop a écrit:
Tiens ! je passais par là justement !

Celui là :
Meat The Parents - They're Veggies, Y'Know ?

Voui, je veux bien ! content

bon, faut que j'aille travailler au jardin, bonne journée à vous 2 et à plus tard ! heart


Ah ! Comme c'est sympa de passer dans le coin !

Voui, zelui-ci : Meat The Parents - They're Veggies, Y'Know

Merzi et bonne journée au jardinage. flower

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Ici aussi c'est le temps du jardinage... sous la flotte....encore !

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oh mais de rien gene

jardiner sous la flotte, c'est pas rigolo !
Par contre ici, il fait trop chaud pour moi malgré le vent donc je m'arrête avant l'insolation et reprendrai en fin d'aprèm.


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Les plants ne sont pas beaux cette année Cé ! Ils ont poussé en orgueil tellement il a plu ! Je ne suis même pas certaine que ceux que j'ai mis en terre hier vont tenir le coup: ils sont très très frêles ! What the fuck ?!?

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