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PETA’s wayward beliefs Mad

Written by Elizabeth Sahadeo, Contributor (Enfermez-là quelqu'un!!) Mad

Wednesday, 31 May 2006

Can human and animal species be held under the same standard?

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is an organization that protects animals worldwide from abuse and torture. The main message, as stated on PETA's official website, is that "animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment." Most of their efforts, such as the "Naked Campaign", are aimed toward companies that kill animals for commercial gain. Among the members of PETA are such high profile celebrities as Pamela Anderson and Paul McCartney.

With the help of these stars and others, PETA has achieved a great deal of progress concerning animal rights in the past two decades. These achievements include the launch of the "Compassion Campaign" in 1987 that persuaded nearly 500 companies such as Mary Kay and Amway to stop experimenting on animals. More recently, in 2004, PETA prevented chemical companies and the United States Environmental Protection Agency from using some of the worst and crudest chemical tests on animals, which in turn spared tens of thousands of animals.

As anyone can see, PETA has done a great deal of positive things for animal rights. However, the consequences of PETA's actions have also proven to be harmful to humanity. This organization believes that humans and animals are on the same level and should be thus, treated equally. They need to realize, however, that humans and animals lie on different levels.

Campaigns such as PETA's 2003 "Holocaust on Your Plate Campaign", which compared the killing of animals to the Holocaust, and its most recent campaign, "The Animal Liberation Project", which compares the oppression of animals to the African Slave Trade are degrading to the human race

Firstly, humans and animals are incomparable because we have the capacity to think, whereas animals do not. To be more specific, humans have the ability to create and maintain a coherent and logical thought flow, while animals are simple-minded creatures. With the capacity to think, humans are able to further their species in ways that also aid other aspects of the world such as the environment. Animals, on the other hand, only possess instinctive capabilities that enable them to survive.
Throughout the ages, the human race has progressed and evolved due to advances in technology and the goal of equality, which was made possible due to the sophistication of the human thought. Daniel Dennet, a prominent American philosopher, argued that there are two kinds of minds that exist: Those that work successfully without language (all non-human, animal minds) and those that possess the capacity for language (the human mind). Refusal to distinguish between these two types of minds leads to anthropomorphism, causing people to humanize and personify animals, thus over-interpreting what animals do.

Secondly, it is essential that animals be used as a food source. Humans are omnivores by nature. There are nutrients in the meat of animals that humans need in order to survive, which include protein and vitamin B12. However, there are now alternatives to meat that provide the same nutrients, such as tofu. But this deviates from the natural order of the food chain. Also, there are many animals that are strictly carnivores and wipe out herds of a species in one killing. PETA is against humans killing mass numbers of animals as a food source but animals kill each other in massive amounts for food as well. Is PETA going to protect animals from each other?

Lastly, animals are necessary for medical purposes. If animals are not used for medical research, humans will have to become the guinea pigs for new drugs. It is unfortunate that a number of animals are killed in the name of medical research, but such tragedies need to occur for the human race to thrive. Imagine how many humans will die if we become the primary test subjects for new medical drugs. In addition, medical research will not advance as it has in the past because there will be limited specimens to test on. Animals are needed for such research because they are the closest living creatures to the human race and will provide the most accurate results; PETA needs to realize this.

It makes one ponder the question: Is a cause really just if it hinders humanity?

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Ce serait avec grand plaisir, mais c'est pas de mon ressort Sad

Elle est con comme un balai, c'te bonne femme. En un seul article, elle nous ressert toutes les pires platitudes et contre-vérités ineptes que tant d'autres rabachent déjà depuis des lustres ! crasy

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