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Dear CCFA Members and Supporters:

You have told us you want to help farm animals in need. Would you like to do domething to help the cause?

Consider holding a public demonstration for laying hens! The goals are:

1. To draw media attention to the plight of laying hens, 98% of whom are kept in tiny wire cages known as battery cages their whole lives; and

2. To encourage Loblaw (Canada's largest grocery chain) to use its clout to help laying hens by ensuring at least 50% of the eggs it sells are not from caged hens, and that it labels battery eggs, "Eggs from caged hens," at point-of-purchase so consumers can make compassionate choices when shopping for eggs.

Approximately six people are needed to pull off the demonstration -- five to dress up as hens stuffed into a cage and a sixth to pass out literature.

When? This fall.

We can supply you with hen constumes, and pointers for constructing a simple human-sized battery cage and for attracting media.

You may recall ARCH (the Animal Rights Collective of Halifax) staged a similar demonstration a few months ago, attracting considerable media attention (see

We need demos nation-wide to show Loblaw the public cares about laying hens and hopefully motivate them to take action.

Please contact me if you are interested in holding such a demo in your area.

John Youngman
Canadian Coalition for Farm Animals (CCFA)

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C'est peut-être variable comme date. Nous verrons si nous pouvons. Je crois que Global est aussi sur cette liste: ils le feront peut-être mais rien ne nous empêchera de le faire aussi.

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Oui Cé tu as raison, Global est aussi sur leur liste. C'est pas mal sûr qu'ils le feront !

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