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pour ton info: usines à chiots

Messages recommandés

From: Diana S. Bokhari
To: commentairesPM
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 2:17 PM
Subject: Response to Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Minister Yvon Vallières

Dear Mr. Lagace,

Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge my email to our Premiere, however, your response in extremely vague and does not offer any concrete information as to what your offices are prepared to do about this very real and present problem. By not enforcing any animal protection laws here in Quebec, we are not only breeding a surplus of unwanted pets, but are also contributing to the development of cruel tendencies in people who later graduate to cruelty towards humans. This is a proven statistic, that most violent criminals do in fact start out with violence towards animals. Is this the kind of distinct society we are?

I would also like to point out that I was extremely insulted by the lackluster, generic response letter that I got from Ms
Julie Mac Murray, Political Attaché of the Premiere's Office. To quote her, "In this respect, we believe it is important to mention that, since January 2005, the Division of the Act respecting the health, safety and welfare of animals (L.R.Q., c. P-42) referring to animals’ safety and welfare is in force. Accordingly, inspection of dogs’ and cats’ places of custody and breeding is feasible in Quebec through this law." How much more ridiculous does this make us look considering that Quebec remains the leader in its incubation and nurturing of puppy mills? How much more ridiculous does this make us look every time we lead the way in national news with animal cruelty cases and the fact that no one is enforcing these laws? How "feasible" exactly is it for authorities to "inspect dogs' and cats' places of custody and breeding" and if so, why is it not being done properly?

To further quote Ms Mac Murray, "The inspection mandate has been referred to the Association nationale pour le mieux-être des animaux (ANIMA-Québec). We invite you to communicate with this agency to report a doubtful case or to get more information (1 866 321-1771 or" We all know about the existence of the famous ANIMA-Quebec, but they are never seen to be anywhere near when animal cruelty is found, including the latest husky case in St-Jean de Matha. Where were they then? The truth is, the entire animal welfare legislature has been thrown on the back burner, and is critically financially emaciated. It is an outright disgrace for our society, and with all due respect, our politicians who won't give the time of day to tax payers like us who spend ourselves cleaning up the mess left behind by not only those who thrive on their cruelty and exploitation of animals, but those in power who do not take the necessary and due action to exercise the enforcement of legislature that would help eradicate such inhumane behaviour.

I have had enough, and I will take this matter further through media into public attention. Believe me when I say there are many supporters for this just cause, and many of them voted for your office. I challenge the honorable Jean Charest to meet with myself at his convenience to discuss a concrete plan of action that will solve this problem once and for all. I challenge him to stop hiding behind his spokespersons and show himself as the caring human being that he wanted everyone to think he was when it was time to vote him into office. I challenge him to make a difference, to make a promise, and stand by it.

Furthermore, as mentioned in my original letter to the Premiere, I am prepared to work along side you and help raise funds if necessary to help propel this legislature and its enforcement forward. I am open to all your ideas and suggestions, and look forward to a speedy response from you.

Please be advised that this email is being copied to all my media contacts.

Sincerely Yours,
Diana S. Bokhari
Westmount, Quebec

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 6:54 AM
Subject: Accusé de réception

July 18, 2006

Ms. Diana Saakian Bokhari

Dear Ms. Saakian Bokhari,

On behalf of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Minister Yvon Vallières, I hereby acknowledge receipt of your email of last June 26 transfered by Premier’s Office Minister concerning the puppy mills.

Rest assured that we took careful note of its content.


Frédéric Lagacé

Political Attaché

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Wowwwwwwww !!! Elle n'y est pas allée avec le dos de la cuillère ! Si seulement ça pouvait changer quelque chose

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