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Soutien de B.B. aux bénévoles de BETA à Beirut

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Brigitte Bardot vient d'adresser un soutien très concret aux bénévoles de l'association Beirut for the Ethical Treatment of Animals :

"Chers et courageux amis des animaux,

Je tiens à vous témoigner toute mon admiration, mon infinie reconnaissance et ma profonde gratitude face à l’énergie que vous déployez actuellement pour sauver les animaux victimes de la folie des hommes !

Chaque jour, des images nous parviennent et nous montrent l’horreur, l’injustice suprême des bombardements aveugles qui sèment la souffrance et la mort. Nous pleurons ces victimes humaines, bien innocentes dans ces interminables et incompréhensibles conflits, mais la détresse des centaines d’animaux abandonnés à leur triste sort nous touche également.

Merci à vous de passer outre le danger pour venir en aide à ces laissés-pour-compte, de former une chaîne du cœur afin que tous les êtres sensibles soient défendus et, peut-être même, sauvés.

Pour que cette chaîne du cœur ne se brise pas et qu’elle se renforce par delà les frontières, j’ai demandé à ma Fondation de s’associer à votre action en vous adressant un don de 5 000 € qui devra être utilisé pour venir en aide aux animaux rescapés des bombardements.

Je pense à vous, à votre courage et votre détermination, votre action me bouleverse car elle donne un sens aux valeurs humaines qui sont pourtant, elles aussi, en voie d’extinction.

Soyez assurés de toute mon affection.

Brigitte Bardot

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War in Lebanon threatens the lives of hundreds of rescued animals

Beirut for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

(BETA) is a registered charity actively working on animal welfare issues in Lebanon.

Since its inception, BETA has been at the forefront of the battle to ensure animals are respected and cared for in Lebanon. Now a registered NGO, BETA has rescued over 500 stray and abused cats and dogs, founded Lebanon's first cat and dog shelters while spaying / neutering almost half of its rescued animals. A pioneer in its field, BETA has also found homes for many of its rescued animals. We now have three separate shelters caring for more than 130 dogs and 100 cats.

As we hope you are all aware, sadly the country of Lebanon is now at war. The country is under attack and in the last two days the only international airport has been completely destroyed, foreign warships
are now stationed in its sea ports, and the main roads to Syria are now in ruins. Lebanon is effectively cut off from the rest of the world, it is nearly impossible to enter or leave the country and trade has come to a halt.

The necessary goods to care for our animals are becoming more difficult to find, and what is available is now becoming more expensive due to their scarcity.

BETA and the animals in its care urgently need your help. With the country shut down, all of our in-country fundraising projects have been forced to stop.

Many of us are quite literally risking our lives to visit each shelter and care for the animals early in the morning and again before nightfall. The dog shelter is located on the border of Dahye (a block street from Dahye), a suburb where many of the attacks are taking place. The shelter is in sustained danger and many of the dogs are visibly suffering due to the ongoing noise and near destruction. Trips to our cat shelters take us through a large part of Beirut and the attacks and destruction continue making this more difficult and dangerous.

We urgently need funding to get the animals through this period, most of our normal fundraising options have been forced to stop, and we are now calling on you to help support these animals. While cash donations will be the most effective to get us through these days, we are also in need of cat and dog food as well as cat litter. Our vet is still donating his services for free but donations of medications are extremely helpful.

While we realize this is a trying time for all people in Lebanon, we do ask that you assist with this urgent appeal and recognize the importance of the lives of these animals. Thank you for your support and with your help these animals will be able to get through this without having to suffer more than they already have.

Dons en ligne :

Joelle Kanaan, Co-Founder, BETA
Beirut for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (BETA)

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