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Suit cries foul over foie gras ban

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Suit cries foul over foie gras ban

August 15, 2006


Four months ago, the City Council opened itself up to ridicule by banning foie gras, a liver delicacy most Chicagoans have never tasted and cannot afford.

Now, the ordinance that made sarcastic headlines around the world will open Chicago taxpayers up to costly legal bills.

Next week, the Illinois Restaurant Association, an ad-hoc group known as "Chicago Chefs for Choice" and the major foie gras producers that make up the newly formed Artisan Farmers Association will join forces to challenge a foie gras ban poised to take effect next Wednesday.

"The argument is that this [ban] violates interstate commerce and the city is usurping the federal government's power by banning a product that's federally approved for shipment across state lines," said a source familiar with the lawsuit.

Chef has 'nothing to hide'

Chef Allen Sternweiler of Allen's New American Cafe will be a named plaintiff. While other Chicago chefs were hesitant about signing onto the legal battle against the city, Sternweiler said, "If the city wants to send a health inspector to my restaurant every other day for the next five years, let them do it. I have nothing to hide."

"What's at stake is the ability of adults to order legal products, the production of which has been overseen by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, when they choose to dine out in Chicago," said Chris Robling, a spokesman for the Artisan Farmers Association.

Restaurant association president Colleen McShane would only talk in general terms about preserving the economic health of her members -- and preventing the City Council from going any further. It is also threatening to outlaw artery-clogging trans fats.

"We believe the City Council does not have a right to tell people what to have for dinner," McShane said.

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usurping the federal government's power by banning a product that's federally approved for shipment across state lines

Cela crée aussi des problèmes dans le commerce de la fourrure, entre autre de chiens et chats. Comme si la tête d'un gouvernement ne pouvait s'occuper à la fois de ce que fait sa main gauche et son pied droit.

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Je pensais justement à la même chose en lisant l'article !!!!! Rolling Eyes

Et puis, le « chef » ne semble pas savoir que la raison principale pour une interdiction éventuelle du foie gras est pour éviter des souffrances aux animaux et que ça n'a rien à voir avec l'état des foies gras qu'il vend à ses clients Rolling Eyes Je trouve d'ailleurs bizarre qu'il n'en parle même pas. Est-il seulement au courant de la façon dont les foies gras sont obtenus ?

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