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sondage : tuer ou pas les goelands de Berwick-upon-Tweed'

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Je suis à peu près certaine que si un tel sondage était fait au Québec, le résultat serait le même !
C'est toute cette mauvaise presse qu'on fait à ces oiseaux (incluant les pigeons) depuis quelques années qui rend les gens intolérants et méfiants à leur égard

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Ils sont peut-être tombés sur une majorité de chasseurs anglais. Le sondage est sur le journal en ce moment et on peut voter. Mais que signifie précisément le mot cull ? Sélection = tuer ? Je ne veux pas comettre d'erreur en votant.

Council reiterates a no gull cull policy

BERWICK Borough Councillors and the Advertiser received a sudden rush of e-mails from around England and Wales in an orchestrated reaction to our 'Cull the Gull' campaign last week.

About 10 very similar e-mails were sent opposing the suggested cull, with those who gave their addresses coming from Swansea, B a k e w e l l i n D e r b y s h i r e a n d London. Apparently under the belief that the campaign was in fact a council decision to cull, each e-mail was copied to all 29 borough councillors. It is not known if any councillors replied to t h e s e n d e r s , b u t p r i n c i p a l environmental health officer Ross Buchanan responded that "We have no plans, overtly or covertly, to do anything other than w h a t i s c u r r e n t l y council policy — that is, spend about £5000 each year putting spikes on peoples chimney stacks." The campaign from outside Berwick recalls the last time a cull was proposed, but was dropped following protests from animal rights activists who travelled to the town. Advertiser editor Janet Wakenshaw said: "Once again, people who have no idea about Berwick are trying to thwart the will of the majority of people who have to live with the problem." Many of the messages included links to P i g e o n C o n t r o l Ad v i s o r y S e r v i c e International (PiCAS), a g r o u p o f organisations set up to provide advice on all aspects of non-lethal and humane bird control. PiCAS director Guy Merchant, who has taken part in debates on the gull problem in Berwick, said that, while he agreed with the e-mails, he had nothing to do with o r c h e s t r a t i n g t h e campaign. He said: "We are the only organisation of its type worldwide; that is why they recommended us." We ' l l c o n t i n u e t o p u b l i s h y o u r t h o u g h t s , f o r a n d against, in the coming weeks. E-mail your c o m m e n t s t o
31 August 2006

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to cull :

- reduce the numbers of (animals) by selective slaughter

- to remove an animal, especially a sick or weak one, from a herd or flock

Culling is the killing of a limited portion of the population of a group of animals. This may be done to improve breeding stock (by killing individuals with undesirable characteristics), improve production of eggs or milk (by killing individuals whose production is relatively low), prevent the spread of disease (by killing infected individuals), or simply control the group's population for the benefit of the environment and other species.

et sur mon petit dico oxford que j'ai sous les yeux :

to cull :
1 agriculture :réformer [livestock];
2 hunting : faire une battue [fox]; massacrer [seal, whale];

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Je crois que les chasseurs du Québec ont traduit ce mot anglais "cull" par cueuillette....

cueillette du chevreuil, cueuillette du renard, du loup, etc. ... Thumb down

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Ok merci ! Et on vote donc définitivement NO !

Voici le résultat :

Do you think there should be a cull of Berwick's Gulls?
39% Yes
61% No
0% Don't Care

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