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1,050 kilos d'animaux exotiques destinés à être mangés...

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16 septembre 2006- 1,050 kilos d'animaux exotiques, incluant des tortues, serpent et lézards ont été interceptés par la police dans la province de Dong Nai au Vietnam. Tous ces animaux vivants étaient empaquettés dans des boîtes de bois et étaient destinés à des restaurants de Hanoi ou de Chine !

16 septembre 2006- The truck was intercepted in Dong Nai province on its way to Hanoi. The live animals were packed into wooden crates hidden under boxes of cakes and candies. Police say they recovered 1,050 kilos of exotic animals, including snakes, turtles and lizards.

Son said that Wednesday's seizure was the largest in Dong Nai province
Even though authorities are cracking down on wildlife smuggling, conservation experts say that traders are becoming more aggressive and that the number of animals being smuggled is higher than ever.

...Several species have been hunted to such a degree that they are now critically endangered, said Mark Infield, director of Asia programmes in Hanoi for Fauna and Flora International.

...'A least three species are at the highest threat levels,' Infield said. 'Soft shell box turtles, which exist only in Vietnam, are at imminent risk of extinction. This is a direct result of the wildlife trade where they are caught and served up in restaurants.'

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