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Urgence pour les 450 chiens d'un refuge de Serbie

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Si je comprends bien (l'anglais est un peu approximatif) sous prétexte qu'ils manquent de sous pour finir les constructions de box pour les chiens ou surtout pour payer des vaccins antirabiques (lesquels devraient apparemment selon la loi être pris en charge par l'état) on va détruire le refuge et tuer les chiens ?

Il faudrait faire des courriers au 1er Ministre et au Maire de Subotica (ville du refuge).

J'essaie de trouver comment faire ce courrier (ils ont l'air de tellement s'en fiche) mais là, vraiment je suis à court.


Dear friends of animals all over the world: help

Situation is urgent.

The Society friends of animals FRIEND and The Society for protect and welfare of animals ARKA insist by Public attorney general, Mr.Slobodan Jankovic and by Prime minister of Government, Mr.Vojislav Kostunica , on used articles 269.of Criminal Code of Serbia, but there is now contraeffect- represions on this two organisations.

The Society of Friends of Animals, Friend, is in very difficult situation.
In Serbia we fight together with The Society for Protection and Welfare of Animals, Arka, against the Government, who wants to kill all animals on the street.

Nobody is asking,where these animals without chips and tattoos are coming from.The government wants them to be killed and in every Serbian city there are companies killing these dogs for about 50 euro per killed dog.It is the money of the city governments.

In the Criminal Code of Serbia, article 269 paragraph 2, there is written,that killing animals is to be puniched with imprisonment. But the reality is absolute different.

In this situation only our two organisations insists on article 269 of Criminal Code, but since today it have not effect.

The Society of Friends of Animals, Friend, have a no kill dog shelter and are protecting 450 dogs before rehoming its.We tray rescue dogs from slaughter.

The government insists us to pay now 3046 euro for vaccination of 450 dogs in our dog shelter, although it has Law of veterinary in which write that antirabies vaccination is pay from Serbian states budget and it is for free for shelters and owners of dogs. We ourselves have not so much money and asked other organizations for help.

OIPA-Organizazzione internazionale Protezione animali, from Italy donates to our shelter 400 doses antirabies vaccines,16 December 2005. Thank you very much to OIPA, but the vaccines are still at Surcin airport in Belgrade, because the government wants us to pay for Italian donation, and after we had pay, they wrote that vaccine is not good and that we cannot become its and our money too. (Ils massacrent les animaux partout et ils persécutent ceux qui veulent les aider Mad )

So we have not vaccines-donation and we have not our money. And they wrote that if we insist on vaccines donation we will be punished. Vet inspectors insists on vaccination or all dogs in shelter will be killed, and we will be punished. This is very stupid and bizzar situation, and for dogs in shelter very danger.

Mr Dejan Krnjaic, director of veterinary in Serbian Government, demand us to vaccinate the dogs but on the otherside he is responsible that we cannot get the donated vaccines. Mr.Dejan Krnjaic and his collaborates said to us: "If you want protect animals ,you must pay!" Although he know that we are nonprofit organisation.

It is such a stupide and bizarre situation. I spoke about the dog problem, but for every kind of animals the situation in Serbia is very,very hard.
Serbia is one place for cruelty to all animals.

"Arka" and "Friend" are very repressed by the government. The government wants to destroy our two organisations.This represion is in form: that nobody in Serbia may not to give donation for dog shelter "Friend" in Subotica.

So we need help from all over the world.

Protest letters to the responsible places could be a chance for our work and for the animals in Serbia.

The Government must respect article 269. of the Criminal Code of Serbia. They must stop with repression against the animals and our organisations.


reçu aujourd'hui :

Message -----
From: epar / The Society friends of animals FRIEND (Serbia)

Dear friends of animals all over the world, help !!!

local authorities at Subotica sent build inspector, and build inspector command DESTROY all dog houses and DESTROY legal dog shelter in Subotica with 450 dogs.This dog shelter is legal , we made and build dog shelter very difficult ,because only OIPA helped, and we need more boxes for 43 dominant dogs who are still on chain because they cannot to be together with other dogs, because would fight .We are gloomy about this but now we have no money for building this 43 boxes and we have no other choise, but we hope that very soon this dogs will have theirs boxes and fine place for good life too.

And in this difficult situation build inspector command deverb,demolition, destroy all boxes,but what will be with dogs he did not wrote.Where will go all 450 dogs after build inspector destroy theirs home? When we, as nonprofit nongovernment organisation for protect of animal rights, asked help from republic and local authorities and offered collaboration, they refused both.

We asked help from President of Serbia-Mr. Boris Tadic, from Prime Minister of Serbia-Mr.Vojislav Kostunica, from Minister of building-Mr Velimir Ilic, from Director of veterinary-Mr.Dejan Krnjaic. Nobody answer, only Director of veterinary-Mr.Dejan Krnjaic said: "if you want protect animals you must all pay what we ask from you,or dogs must be kill by humane euthanasia", and they dont want to do antirabic vaccination when we ask , befor we pay 3450 euros, in spite of Law of veterinary which command that antirabic vaccination must pay republic budget of Serbia.

We are not paranoid and panic, we want to be responsibility , because command for deverb dog shelter is on our table,but we dont want deverb dog shelter. This local authorities have scenario: building inspector command in write form deverb of dog houses and boxes at the shelter. When we insist on antirabic vaccination vet.inspectors command pay 3450 euros-without this euros dogs are without antirabic vaccination, and in this situation their conclusion is: killing all dogs, punish and destroy our organisation for protect animals,and then they- authorities ,local and republic will have not problems with The International Criminal Court at The Hague, because this authorities knows , we prepare criminal charge to this Court.

If you want help to this 450 dogs and our organisation too,
please write protest letter to Prime Minister of Serbia,Mr.Vojislav Kostunica:
and to Mayor of Subotica city, Mr.Geza Kucera

Important : Cc => et arka@eunet.yu
(because somebody by authorities can delete yours letters.)

Infos ici sur la situation du refuge ici :

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Allo hop,
Que dire ? Que faire ! Dire que ce pays soit disant civilisé veut faire partie de l'Union européenne ! What a pity !!!!!!!!!!! Shit

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Nous aurons besoin de lettre pour écrire contre ce massacre d'animaux encore innoncent ,alors j'attend pour une lettre et ensuite je transmet sur mes autres forums.Merci à vous.

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Bon, encore moins inspirée que d'habitude pale , j'ai écrit juste ça. C'est très très léger ! Vous me dites ce que vous en pensez, ce que je pourrais rajouté... et aussi si l'anglais est correct - vu je le manie pas bien du tout - ?
C'est pour le ministre, je sais pas s'il en faudrait une différente pour le maire. scratch (sinon, je vais écrire à l'assos tout à l'heure pour leur demander si on peut faire un courrier avec menace boycott, ou si ça craint. Vu que le système a l'air de marcher à coup de représaille..)

Courrier type, à personnaliser si possible - même avec un petit ajout en français. Merci content
à envoyer avec Cc => ; arka@eunet.yu

President of Serbia Boris Tadic
Fax : 00 381 11 362 06 76

Mr President......


Maire de Subotica ,
Fax : 00 381 24 670 810

Mr Mayor ou Mr Geza Kucera.....


1er ministre, Mr Vojislav Kostunica
fax : 00 381 11 361 76 09


Mr Prime Minister,

I learned to my dismay that the dogs of the shelter “Animals Friends" / EPAR, in Subotica, were to be killed on the pretext that they were not vaccinated against rabies.

I respectfully urge you to withdraw that cruel and unjustifiable plan and to take compassionate action regarding these rescued animals. They
have the right to be respected and deserve compassion.

These dogs would be vaccinated today if the people who run the shelter had been permitted to get the vaccines sent by the organization OIPA, last december. Therefore, I request that you ensure that those animals are vaccinated, free of charge for the shelter.

Slavica Mazak Beslic and the people who take care of the dogs at the shelter should be allowed to continue their mission under the best conditions possible.

I thank you very much for your time and attention.


(nom, ville, pays)-----------------

Merci de les contacter régulièrement mail...fax...remail etc.


traduction vite faite

J'ai appris, à ma grande consternation, que les chiens du refuge "Animals Friends" /EPAR allaient être tués sous le pretexte qu'ils n'étaient pas vaccinés contre la rage.

Je vous prie instamment ( et respectueusement) d'abandonner ce projet cruel et injustifiable et d'agir avec compassion envers ses animaux rescapés. Ils ont droit au respect et méritent notre compassion.

Ces chiens seraient vaccinés aujourd'hui si l'équipe du reguge avait eu l'autorisation de prendre possession des vaccins envoyés par l'organisation OIPA, en décembre dernier. Aussi, je vous demande de faire en sorte que ces animaux soient vaccinés, sans qu'il en coute rien pour le refuge.

Slavica Mazak Beslic ainsi que les personnes qui prennent soin des chiens dns ce refuge devraient pouvoir continuer leur mission dans les meilleures conditions possibles.

Je vous remercie pour votre temps et votre attention.

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Allo hop,

Tu écrits merveilleusement bien l'anglais... thumleftbravo Ta lettre est bien détaillée, et d'après moi elle pourrait aussi bien être envoyée au Maire qu'au premier ministre...

Mr Prime Minister,

I learned to my dismay that the dogs of the shelter “Animals Friends" / EPAR, in Subotica, were to be killed on the pretext that they were not vaccinated against rabies.

I respectfully urge you to withdraw that cruel and unjustifiable plan and to take compassionate action regarding these rescued animals. They have a right to respect and compassion. (ici tu aurais pu aussi écrire: They have the right to be respected and deserve compassion)
These dogs would be vaccinated today if the people who run the shelter had been permitted to get the vaccines sent by the organization OIPA, last décember (December) . Therefore, I request that you ensure that those animals are vaccinated, free of charge for the shelter.

Slavica Mazak Beslic and the people who take care of the dogs at the shelter should be allowed to continue their mission under the best conditions possible.

I thank you very much for your time and attention.

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Merci beaucoup beaucoup Animal ! contentcontent
Je vais l'éditer tout de suite !

J'ai encore reçu un mail ce matin pour donner aussi les fax et insister sur le fait que l'on pouvait écrire régulièrement.

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J'ai recu une lettre à propos de cela que je vous transmet,une chose c'est que je ne peux pas vous transmettre les photos que j'ai eu avec.Je ne sais pas comment?
After they kill dogs they put them on garbich. This are photos from 20-th September 2006., in town Smederevo.Befor they kill this dogs, the dogs was cruelt in very small place* in 1,5x1,5meter ,was 30 dogs, without food and without water,and then go killing with T61 in the best case,but often killing go by Nuvan,Kreozan-poisons or with mallet.This are pictors of "New strategy for stray animals".Financial construction you knows: 90% for killing, 10% for sterilization, and the same dogs may be first sterilization and then kill, both for money of cities budget.
We very shame of this, but this is truth, this is animal life in Serbia and every day happend this mental aggression on us and this brutal killing of animals.This is dirty face of serbian authorities, who give nice empty promisses and nothing,because they have allways much important job and never heard:
"What ever you do to help will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it" Mahatma Gandhi.

We are grateful to Mrs Vesna Arsenovic, and Mrs.Andjelka Jovanovic , because did do this horrible photographs in Smederevo city, 20-th September 2006.

Please help to the animals in Serbia.Here is horrible situation. They want to kill even dogs at the shelters( Valjevo,Subotica)
Please send your protest letter to Prime Ministe, Mr.Vojislav Kostunica
Mayor of Subotica ,mr.Geza Kucera

Mayor of Valjevo

and please Cc
because authorities can delete yours letters.

Thank You for Your time and Your attention
Slavica Mazak Beslic

----- Original Message -----
From: Andjelka Jovanovic
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 1:29 PM
Subject: Slike-sahranjivanje na deponiji

Poštovana gospođo Mazak, šaljem Vam fotografije ubijenih i bačenih pasa iz prihvatilišta u Komunacu iz Smedereva. Psi se posle samo prekriju slojem đubreta i tako izgleda njihovo "sahranjivanje". Sutra ću Vam poslati faks sa tekstom.

Pozdrav, Anđelka

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Merci à vous d'envoyer la lettre type, ou un courrier personnel, régulièrement au Ministre et au maire de Subotica ! content

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hop a écrit:
Merci à vous d'envoyer la lettre type, ou un courrier personnel, régulièrement au Ministre et au maire de Subotica ! content
r'envoyer pour la troisièmes fois.

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