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Cas d'enchaînement au Canada

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Rien encore pour le Québec mais je vais recenser ici les cas du Canada pour lorsque nous lancerons la pétition auprès du gouvernement du Canada. Je crois aussi que nous pourrons utiliser leurs photos pour nos affiches, notre bulletin, etc.. Il suffit de les informer, je crois, ou si possible de leur faier parvenir une copie.

If you're interested in linking to Pet-Abuse.Com, please feel free! We have always been a grassroots organization, and it is thanks to the many groups and individuals that link to us that we have been able to grow.

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Shelley Lisk of Pembroke was charged by the Ontario SPCA under the Criminal Code of Canada with failing to provide suitable and adequate food and care for a senior German shepherd-type-dog found chained in her backyard and barely able to stand. On October 31, 2005, following receipt of information from a member of the public, an investigator from the Ontario SPCA Renfrew County Branch attended Shelley Lisk's residence in Pembroke. The dog, "J.J", was easily located, in plain view, chained in Ms. Lisk's backyard. Emaciated and barely able to hold himself up, J.J. ravenously devoured food provided by the investigator. Unable to quickly locate J.J.'s owner, the Ontario SPCA investigator removed the dog under the authority of the Ontario SPCA Act. J.J. was transported to Pembroke Animal Hospital where the veterinarians tried in vain to save his life. One veterinarian described J.J. as the most emaciated dog she had ever seen.

Shelley Lisk is scheduled to make her third appearance in the Ontario Court of Justice, Pembroke on March 28, 2006. If convicted, she could face a maximum six-month jail term, a maximum fine of $2000.00 and a two-year prohibition from owning any animals.

Pour celui-ci, je ne suis pas certaine de bien saisir. Je crois qu'il s'agissait de son collier de chaîne mais qu'il était néanmoins attaché...


Andrew Fodey
Connie McGillis

Case ID: 5959

Andrew Fodey, 34, and Connie McGillis, 34, of Cornwall were charged on October 27, 2005 under the Criminal Code of Canada with one count each of wilfully failing to provide suitable and adequate care for their collie-type puppy. Left tethered and unattended overnight, the puppy had strangled itself on its choke chain (a chain collar that tightens like a noose when the leash its connected to is pulled) after the running line it was attached to became tangled. On May 4, 2005 the Ontario SPCA received a call from Fodey and McGillis' neighbour stating that the couple's puppy appeared to have strangled itself during the night while its owners were absent.

An Ontario SPCA investigator attended the property and found the brown, black and white puppy's body on the home's back porch steps tangled in a choke chain, rope and cable. An older rottweiler-type dog, George, lay at the top of the steps. A veterinary post mortem examination revealed the puppy's cause of death as consistent with being strangled with a choke chain. The couple surrendered their surviving dog to the Ontario SPCA.

Andrew Fodey and Connie McGillis are scheduled to appear in the Ontario Court of Justice, Cornwall on November 17, 2005.

"A choke chain should never be left on an unattended dog," says Ontario SPCA Agent, Bonnie Bishop. "The chain can easily become entangled with other objects, which can choke or strangle the dog to death. Sadly, this type of incident is not uncommon."

The Animal Advocate Society was told by a caller that the dog next door had been on a chain, unspayed, for several years and that she had just had another litter of pups, her third, and that previous litters had mostly ended up at the SPCA when no one would buy them. The Maple Ridge SPCA had been alerted to this situation by numerous callers, but no action was ever taken. The AAS found Annie and her pups covered in flies, wet and dirty, Annie's chain too tangled for her to reach the dog house, full of dirt, so Annie had dug a depression in the mud for her pups. Annie and her pups were removed from the situation after begging the owners for possession.

With Annie and her pups hidden in the car, the advocates drove straight to the Maple Ridge SPCA to report this case of animal neglect in person. They were told that there was nothing the SPCA could do. On pressing, we were told that the SPCA might seize the pups (not Annie) when the pups were eight weeks old. The advocates pointed out that in eight weeks it would be mid-December and the pups would probably be dead from exposure. One had already died. The SPCA still declined to offer any assistance.

The advocates then drove Annie and her pups home cuddled up in blankets in a nice, warm car and immediately took them all to the vet, and then to a foster home in North Vancouver. All Annie's pups got the best of homes and Annie herself really landed in clover in her new home where she is doted on and goes for long walks in the park everyday.

Animal Advocates Society - 2001

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Rien encore pour le Québec mais je vais recenser ici les cas du Canada pour lorsque nous lancerons la pétition auprès du gouvernement du Canada. Je crois aussi que nous pourrons utiliser leurs photos pour nos affiches, notre bulletin, etc.. Il suffit de les informer, je crois, ou si possible de leur faier parvenir une copie.

OK Cé, j'en afficherai également ici lorsque j'en trouverai...
Je mettrai également un lien dans notre page pour Petabuse...

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Richmond, Colombie-Britannique

Thursday, August 18, 2005- Most recently, SPCA officials in Richmond, B.C., charged a couple under provincial legislation after they found a young Rottweiler kept in a plastic Rubbermaid container, unable to stand or move around. The dog, Jiji, was chained to an anvil in the backyard. SPCA officials at first tried to educate the couple about dog care, but after further complaints from neighbours, they returned to find Jiji confined again in the box.

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Oui, je les avais regardées, Do. Shit

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Je mettrai également un lien dans notre page pour Petabuse...

Il faudrait peut-être également ajouter celui de Danielle Dubois qui m'a donnée l'adresse. Je vais lui dire que nous l'avons ajoutée en liens et elle nous ajoutera peut-être également.

CDDA-Coalition pour la Défense du Droit Animal

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