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linda lachapelle

Urgent Le plan original tuerait 1000 animaux,mais le nouveau

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Ces gens font partie de l'association The Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association (SOCMA
Ils ont l'intention de proposer 12 nouveaux tests pour un groupe de 20 compagnies chimiques ( HPV ).
Ces produits sont employés dans le plastic, les peintures, les adhésifs...
Le plan original tuerait 1000 animaux, mais le nouveau plan en tuera 5000.
Ni Peta ni les autres associations de protection d'animaux ont été mis au courant.
On emploie même des tests qui ne sont pas nécessaires selon les compagnies chimiques !!
Les tests sont très cruels. Les animaux souffrent énormément (test LD 50) : on fait manger aux animaux les produits toxiques : mal abdominal, diarrhé, saignements du nez, de la bouche et de l'appareil génital, convulsions, paralysie, et enfin la mort.
In Vivo (Live Animal) Genotoxicity Tests : même façon de traitement. Le gouvernement emploi des tests in vitro (donc pas sur les animaux) qui sont acceptés comme un très bon alternatif.
Fish Acute Toxicity Tests : presque le même test, mais ici on a jo ute les produits toxiques dans l'eau où les poissons meurent après avoir souffert énormément.
2 des produits qu'on va employer sont même insolubles dans l'eau.
Demande d'arrêter ces tests et d'employer des test alternatifs.

A envoyer à :

avec vos coordonnés
merci beaucoup

To : Lynne Jones Batshon, Manager
Metal Carboxylates Coalition
Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association
1850 M St. N.W., Ste. 700
Washington, DC 20036-5810

To : Joseph Acker, President
Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association
1850 M St. N.W., Ste. 700
Washington, DC 20036-5810

Dear Madam/dear Sir :
I read that your company, as a member of a coalition of chemical companies, is proposing 12 new test plans for a large group of 20 HPV chemicals called metal carboxylates. The original test plan was bad enough, as it would have used approximately 1,000 animals, but the 12 new test plans are far worse. The tests proposed in these new plans will result in the deaths of as many as 5,000 animals. Importantly, since these entirely new test plans have been submitted as "revisions" to the original plan?bypassing the agreed-upon comment period?PETA and other animal protection organizations have had no opportunity to formally comment on these new testing proposals! The tests that the coalition is proposing include the following: ? LD50 Tests
In these infamous tests, animals are force-fed increasing doses of a chemical until they die. Such acute toxicity tests inflict hideous suffering on animals, who endure severe abdominal pain; diarrhea; bleeding from the nose, mouth, and genitals; convulsions; seizures; and paralysis before they ultimately die. Astonishingly, the chemical companies are proposing four of these cruel tests, even though they themselves admit that the tests are unnecessary! ? In Vivo (Live Animal) Genotoxicity Tests
Genetic toxicity tests are highly stressful and cruel, as mice are subjected to frequent handling, restraint, and inhumane force-feeding in addition to suffering the toxic effects of the chemical that's being investigated. In vitro (non-animal) methods to study genetic toxicity without the use of animals have been accepted by government regulators worldwide as valid alternatives to using animals.
Non-animal genetic toxicity testing methods have already been incorporated into the HPV program?after a huge effort on PETA's part. However, four in vivo genetic toxicity tests are proposed in the new test plans.
? Fish Acute Toxicity Tests
These tests are similar to the LD50 test described above, except that chemicals are pumped into the water of tanks holding fish until the animals die. The fish may endure severe pain, as evidenced by visible physical and behavioral abnormalities, before they are ultimately poisoned to death. Two of the proposed fish acute toxicity tests are for chemicals that the EPA?s own program guidelines define as being insoluble in water! Therefore I urge you to stop the poisoning of animals under the new metal carboxylate test plans, especially since you have not given the public?including PETA and the rest of the American animal protection community?a fair opportunity to formally comment on these new testing proposals!and suggest humane alternatives.
I hope you will take y request into consideration,

Animals do feel like us.... jo y, love, fear and pain but they cannot grasp the spoken word. It is our obligation to take their part and continue to resist the people who profit by them, who slaughter them and who torture them. - Denis De Roughement.
tout les animaux de la terre demandent votre aide,aimer,protéger ces êtres qui veulent vivrent

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