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Some are more equal than others

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Some are more equal than others A perfect day for mountan-grazing and awareness raising

By Alexandra Holland

A sunny Thanksgiving Sunday afternoon was the ideal day to bring awareness to veganism as a realistic alternative to biting into our furry and fine-feathered friends.

The Montreal division of Farm Sanctuary, an organization that operates two animal shelters in the U.S., organized a walk through the slopes of Mount Royal to show support against what they see as harsh living conditions on industrial farms--they also want people to eat less meat, and ideally, no meat at all.

This year, 38 people participated in the walk, compared to about 30 last year.

What second-year organizer Joanna Charlebois wanted to achieve with this demo was “to make people aware about where our food comes from, what happens to animals, and how they’re treated.”

She changed things up this year, not to appease animals, but angry French readers.

“This year, I translated posters, following some complaints we received last year, even though our brochures were bilingual,” said Charlebois, who is now a two-year vegan.

“The absence of animal cruelty is a cause I hold to heart, and at the same time, walking is good for our health,” said Reine Parenteau, a first-time participant in the walk.

Her friend also thinks that cruelty, more often than not, is wrong.

“Too much cruelty is appalling,” said Micheline Bruneau.

“You need to be their voices. If we’re not gonna do it, who is?” said Lisa Ulrich, an animal lover who has raised close to $500 for the Sanctuary’s New York and California shelters. These operations provide rescue, education and advocacy for farm animals.

“Every time I find an organization that has similar values to mine, I love to support it if I can, I love to raise awareness about a cause,” said Leah Schwalb, who has been a vegan for four and a half years, and has convinced at least two friends to come and many more to donate money to this cause.

Animal Liberties, a group from McGill University, and Québec Rabbit Rescue, which promotes the adoption of rabbits, took advantage of the day to set up information tables at the base of the mountain.

For more information, or to donate to the foundation, visit:

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Elle m'avait aussi questionné et je lui avais parlé d'Aequo Animo mais elle n'en a rien dit dans son article. D'autant plus qu'elle parle d'Animal Lib. et des Lapins. Pourquoi pas de nous ? Elle est donc bien plate et stupide ! Elle a préféré mettre l'accent sur les "angry french readers".

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Je savais que tu serais fâchée en le lisant Cé ! C'est pour ça que je ne l'ai pas mis sur le forum public ! Shit

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Citation :
“This year, I translated posters, following some complaints we received last year, even though our brochures were bilingual,” said Charlebois, who is now a two-year vegan.

Il me semble que ça n'était pas toutes les "brochures" qui étaient bilingues l'année dernière...

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C'est un type à bicyclette qui s'étaint plaint des affiches unilingues. Il n'a pas regardé les brochures car il était à une bonne distance de la table.

Citation :
Je savais que tu serais fâchée en le lisant Cé ! C'est pour ça que je ne l'ai pas mis sur le forum public !

Oui Do, je suis une "angry french readers" de son "Some are more equal than others" (que Joanne m'a aussi fait parvenir par courriel). Il me semble qu'on est moins equal nous aussi pour cette journaliste qui a omis de nous mentionner. Thumb down

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C'est un type à bicyclette qui s'étaint plaint des affiches unilingues. Il n'a pas regardé les brochures car il était à une bonne distance de la table.

Oui Cé, je me souviens très bien ! Il y avait aussi une femme qui s'était plainte... deux personnes, trois maximum pour la journée: Il n'y en a pas eu des centaines ... Franchement !! Rolling Eyes

Oui Do, je suis une "angry french readers" de son "Some are more equal than others" (que Joanne m'a aussi fait parvenir par courriel). Il me semble qu'on est moins equal nous aussi pour cette journaliste qui a omis de nous mentionner.

Et comment !!!!!!!! Rolling Eyes Surtout pour toi Cé, car en + tu as aidé Joanne à la table... J'espère au moins que son texte pour notre site sera mieux que ça.... sinon on le modifiera....

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