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linda lachapelle


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Vous devez agir maintenant,les adresses sont là et deux types de lettres à envoyer mais vous devez le faire maintenant le sang coule,les cris s'entend partout,la panique s'enprend à tout ces chiens qu'ils soient gros,petits ils sont visés.Le massacre reprend le 7 nov 06 agissez maintenant.Désolé pas traduit en français

New mass slaug hter in Beijing starting on 07.11.06 / Nouvelle campagne d'abattage à Beijing début 07.11.06

*ENGLISH / Please protest by sending a letter (below a few examples) and
forward this cyber action on
FRANCAIS / Merci de protester en envoyant une lettre (exemples
ci-dessous) et en relayant cette cyber action.

# 1. Present situation :*

South China Morning Post
Thursday, October 26, 2006 by JANE CAI
A national campaign against rabies has grown like wildfire this year -
more than 20 years after the last serious outbreak - resulting in the
slaughter of countless dogs.
In August, 50,000 dogs in Mouding county, Yunnan , were culled when the
county government received a report that three people had died
after being bitten by dogs in July and August.
More than 4,000 vaccinated dogs did not escape the slaughter because the
county government said it could not tell if the dogs were safe.
Vaccines help prevent rabies but do not work to treat the animal if it
has already caught the virus.
Health authorities say that when someone is bitten by a dog, they should
wash the wound for at least 15 minutes and quickly get a
rabies vaccine - treatment that should be effective.
The unchecked culls have met with strong criticism from international
animal protection organizations. The Humane Society of the United
States has offered to give China US$100,000 to vaccinate dogs if it
promises to immediately stop the mass slaughter. It also sent an open
letter to the Chinese ambassador in Washington to call for better ways
to address rabies control.
The central government has not yet responded to the offer.
In August, the city government in Jining, Shandong, killed all dogs
within a 5km radius of 16 villages following the death of 16 people
from rabies this year. Jining had 500,000 dogs but authorities did not
say how many were killed.
The killing continued last month, but government-hired teams ran into
opposition from farmers in Shangjiangcheng village, Dongguan, in
After about a dozen dogs were killed, the farmers beat the hired teams
with iron bars, claiming their watchdogs had been culled.
In bigger cities the campaign is just starting. Beijing, Tianjin and
several other cities have recently started long-term projects to
inoculate dogs, close down illegal dog markets and punish residents if
their dogs bite people.
Ils y a des photos…..Attention Âme sensible

# 2. Sources :




# 3. To :

His Excellency, Hu Jintao
President of the People's Republic of China
9 Xihuang-Chenggen Beijie
Peoples Republic of China

Chinese Government's Official Web Portal:


Head Office for Beijing Olympics 2008

I urge everyone to contact the Olympic Committee Members, the Sponsors,
the President etc.... Go to this link and look at the bottom right hand

Your embassy :

Ambassade de Chine en France :

For more information please contact Emmanuelle Moreau, Communications
Manager for Institutional Affairs on +41 79 637 3017 or the IOC
Communications Department on +41 21 621 61 11 or visit our website at

*# 4. **Model of letter no 1 based on Peta's request dated 15 august 2006 :*

Dear Sirs,

I have learned that a massive dog slaughter is going on in China,
especially in Beijing. One more time, I am shocked to learn how China is
handling the rabies and the dogs overpopulation problems.

By this letter, I join a Peta (People for the Ethical Treatment of
Animals) 's request dated 15 August, 2006. This organization was asking
you to abandon the inadequate, expensive and time-consuming dog-killing
program and to instead focus on a humane, effective and permanent rabies
control solution.

??Ingrid E. Newkirk, Peta's President and former chief of zoonotic
(animal-to-human transmission) disease control for the Washington, D.C.,
Commission on Public Health, had the responsibility of ensuring that the
U.S. capital successfully maintain a humane and effective rabies control
program-and did so on a tight budget. In :light: of this experience, she
had respectfully suggest the immediate adoption of a four-point program
that will last for the long term:

1. Education is vital. People must be educated not to approach sick
animals and to keep children away from animals (not just dogs) who are
acting strangely. This can be done in schools and at workplaces and
community centers.

2. In the event of a bite, immediate post-exposure vaccination should
begin. It would be easy to make refrigerated rabies vaccines accessible
to all.

3. Any person who wishes to have a dog must register the dog with town
authorities, providing proof of sterilization and of an annual rabies
vaccination. Sterilization will stop the dog population from growing and
will eventually end the problem of strays, allowing easy control of
existing vaccinated populations.

4. If at any time a decision is made to destroy animals, the method used
must be one prescribed by international humane standards for euthanasia.

As long as your country will not change its actual rabies control
program, I commit myself with :
- informing worldwide the chinese dogs slaughters
- boycotting Chinese tourism, commerce and the 2008 Olympic Games


# 5. Model of letter no 2 from "Jill Robinson, founder and CEO of
Animals Asia Foundation, to the Mayor of Beijing" :*

"Dear Mayor Mr. Wang Qishan,

We have heard about Beijing's recent massive dog cull targeting at big
breed dogs and unregistered dogs. We also received letters as well as
phone calls from many Beijing dog keepers who expressed their concern
over their dogs. We feel shocked and sad upon hearing this. As the
representative of Animals Asia Foundation, I hope Beijing municipal
government could give more consideration to the feelings of dog keepers
and dog lovers all over the world and find a more effective way to
manage the dogs in Beijing.

Animals Asia Foundation represents the animal welfare supporters all
over the world, supporting the government in protecting wild and
domestic animals and in formulating legislations against animal abuse
and cruelty. We understand your concern over lupomania.

However, according to what we have heard, the actions Beijing municipal
government is about to take will decimate not only the large breed dogs
but many small ones only because they exceed the one family one dog
quota. As the capital of China and the host city of 2008 Olympic Game,
such brutal way of handling dogs will only tar the international image
Beijing has.

Dogs have been more and more recognized by society as valuable members.
Especially in today's society, many couple who choose not to have
children and aged people living by themselves see their dogs as their
dearest companion and emotional support. In fact, a Beijing dog keeper
told us over the phone that they moved out from Beijing to other
provinces as they didn't have a child yet. They viewed their dog as a
family member. Another dog keeper said as a single child born in 1980s,
they seek emotional support and invaluable comfort from their dogs. Only
because their dogs exceed the size rule, they have to be separated with
their guardians. This will be a very difficult decision for many families.

Though we understand the government's concern over city environment and
disease control, and the necessity to manage the dogs in Beijing, we
suggest a more effective, scientific and humane way to deal with it. It
is proven in many places in the world that lupomania could be controlled
by taking vaccination shots or de-sexing dogs. The government could also
launch an education campaign to educate some of the inhumane dog
keepers. As a Hong Kong based animal welfare group, we are more than
willing to offer our support and assistance in this area.

Keeping a companion animal (pet) is an irreversible trend in today's
world. People can afford to keep pets and they need pets as their
companion. Dogs have long been accepted by the human society. Dogs are
not only pets that can support their guardian family emotionally, but
can improve people's health. They play other wonderful and important
roles in our society, such as guiding the blind, helping people with
hearing difficulties, helping the police. Their smart noses can detect
hidden bombs, drugs and prohibited wild animals; they are also used to
find survivors of natural disasters.

Many large breed dogs such as Saint Bernard, Golden Retriever, Lapolado
are actually mild tempered. They can provide good service for the blind
and people with special needs. They are also wonderful family dogs. Many
large breed dogs work as Dr. Dog in the Dr. Dog project launched by
Animals Asia Foundation. Not so long ago a box success Laporlado Q also
featured a large breed Laporlado dog. We recommend Chinese government to
give more consideration when formulating dog keeping rules and learn
from other countries that ban dogs based on the species' traits instead
of simply by size.

More academic groups and more average people have started to respect
animal rights. There are also more animal welfare organizations
mushrooming in China. You must have learnt already that when Mou Ding
County's dog killing was exposed on the internet, numerous dog loving
individuals as well as organizations have expressed their rage towards
such atrocities. Many media outlets also criticized the barbaric practice.

We strongly recommend Beijing municipal government to adopt more humane
and scientific measures to prevent the spread of lupomania and solve
dog-related social issues. Beijing government could also learn from
other Asian countries to provide more comprehensive protections to the
animals and educate the public on topics such as the prevention of
lupomania and management of stray dogs and cats. Dog keepers should also
be encouraged to take responsibilities. Animals Asia Foundation and
other animal welfare organizations will all be very happy to cooperate
with relevant Chinese government organizations.

Animals Asia Foundation is a Hong Kong based Non-for-Profit animal
welfare organization, who is engaged in stopping the bear bile practice
in Si Chuan with the help of China Wild Animal Protection Association
and Si Chuan Forestry Bureau. Last year we successfully launched Dr. Dog
program in Cheng Du. We have been paying close attention to the animal
welfare in China and received extensive support from Chinese media and

We sincerely hope that relevant government organizations could have more
understanding and fully respect the companion animals' rights when
regulating Beijing's dogs to create a truly harmonious society.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Jill Robinson
Founder and CEO, Animals Asia Foundation

*#6. Special thanks to Jill Li, JeZa Shobo, Maxine, Veronica for
provided information*

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