linda lachapelle 0 Posté(e) le 21 novembre 2006 Voici don d'autre adresses pour la Turquie S.V.P vous devez agir contre ce refuge qui a l'allure de camp de concentration,qui veux dire ces animaux qui meurent dans ce refuge.Ivan qui essaye de sauvé ces animaux nous demandes de l'aider alors ne le laisser pas tombé un ami. Voici tout les adresses don vous devez envoyer et aussi la lettre de protestation .Je sais qu’ils y a d’énormes adresses mais on doit frappé fort alors Ivan voudrais qu’il soit mis en BCC son adresse est sur cette page tout à fait en dernier.Milles merci à tout ceux qui vont participer à cet envoient qui est très important pour moi et pour Ivan. Disons que nous comptons sur vous tous. VOICI LA LETTRE QUE VOUS DEVEZ PRENDRE We were informed that Corum Municapality poisoned&killed stray dogs in Corum and related photos are attached in the attachments. Turkish Animal Protection Law Number 5199 Purpose ARTICLE 1 – The purpose of this law is to ensure that animals are afforded a comfortable life and receive good and proper treatment, to protect them in the best manner possible from the infliction of pain, suffering and torture, and to prevent all types of cruel treatment. Scope ARTICLE 2 – This Law includes the regulations to be made in line with the purpose article, the precautions to be taken, the coordination, supervision, restrictions and obligations to be imposed and the penal provisions to be enforced. Principles ARTICLE 4 a) All animals are born equal and have a right to life within the framework of the provisions of this Law. Protection of ownerless and incapacitated animals ARTICLE 6- It is forbidden to kill ownerless or incapacitated animals, apart from the situations set forth in the Animal Health Police Law no. 3285. Ownerless and incapacitated animals must be brought as quickly as possible to animal shelters established or permitted by the local authorities. These animals will first be held in the observation areas established in these centres. It is a principle that animals that have been sterilised, vaccinated and rehabilitated will be registered and released into the environment that they were taken from. Bans ARTICLE 14 – The following actions in relation to animals are banned: a) To intentionally mistreat animals, to carry out a cruel and unfair action, to beat an animal, leave them hungry or thirsty, to abandon them in extreme heat or cold, to neglect their care or to cause them physical and psychological pain. Killing of animals ARTICLE 13 – It is forbidden to kill animals unless there are legal exceptions or in case of a medical or scientific necessity; and when there is no food purpose or threat to humans or the environment, pregnant, nursing, and birthing animals may not be killed. Everyday, from all over the country, we hear about municipalities mass killing dogs. The petitions regarding the issue are not handled seriously by the authorities, no relevant reply is given and no solution is proposed. The municipalities insist on ignoring the Act no 5199 and its binding duties, and continue the slaughter. The Ministry of Interior responsible for inspection and administration of the issue neglects its duties as well. Turkish Animal Protection Law number 5199 is completely ignored by the municipality in Corum and by the Ministry of Interior responsible for inspecting the municipalities. We will send these inhumane photos to the EU Member States, and tell them that the non-ethical mass killing of stray animals by municipalities continue increasingly, even after the signing of the Animal Protection Act no 5199. We kindly ask you to take action in The Grand National Assembly of Turkey for providing the implementation of Act no 5199, and expect you to call Abdulkadir Aksu – the Minister of Interior on duty with an interpellation, should the occasion arise. Best regards From; Adress: Addresses international animalwelfare, martin gaus, peta, one voice, Jenn o connor, TAV VERONIQUE SCHMIT, dorisdayfoundation, (ICAWC), raad van europa, environoment, president, martin Harvey, European Union Representation of the European Commission to Turkey, (groenen europees), (publieke opninie eu), Eu politicians, Jenn o connor, Home office turkey, governement turkey, primeminster turkey, turkey politics, Ugur Dundar, Haluk Sahin, Ertugrul Özkök, Oktay Eksi, Bekir Coskun, Emin Colasan, Tufan Türenç, Dogan Hizlan, Enis Berberoglu, Ferai Tinc, Serdar Turgut, Zeynep Atikkan, Fatih Altayli, Ugur Cebeci, Erkan Celebi, Ufuk Sandik, Vahap Munyar, Hayri Çetinkaya, Hursit Gunes, Emre DAGDEVIREN , Suat Taspinar , Moskova Muhabiri, Zaman, Fehmi Koru, Nuh Gonultas, BT/Haber, Rusen Yaykin, Genel Yonetmen, Öykü Gencay, Altug Ozgenlik, M. Sinan Oymaci, Tinaz Titiz, Volkan Gazioglu, Seref Oguz, Kemal Balci, Oguz Manas, Cenk Tarhan (PC World Turkiye), Sina Hakman, Genel Yayin Yonetmeni, Balaban Cerit, Yazi Isleri Muduru: Deniz Tanis, Kaan Ozcelik, Timur Sirt, FreeLance Yazarlar: Baris Cetinok (Dunya gazetesi, PC magazine, BT/Haber), Byte Turkiye Genel Muduru Ugur Serkan Taskin, Cumhuriyet, Bilim ve Teknik, Orhan Bursali, Tan Oral, Emre Kongar, Oral Calislar, Aydin Engin, · Orhan Birgit, Attila Ilhan, Ergin Yildizoglu, Sabah, Hincal Uluc, Zeynep Gogus, Mehmet Altan, Ismail Cem, Zulfu Livaneli,Ipek Cem, Selahattin Duman, Necati Dogru, Necati Dogru, Mehmet Ali Birand, Can Atakli, Yilmaz Karakoyunlu,Yavuz Donat, Murat Birsel, Faruk Selcuk, Turkiye Gazetesi, Ayse Tunceroglu, Mustafa Koker, Rahim Er, Ahmet Kabakli, Number One FM, HBB, Ankara da Gundem, Sigortaci gazetesi ,Yumak Yayincilik ,Emek Gazetesi, Widerstand,PC Magazine, Byte, Future Technologies, Editor: Ilker Balci, Once kalite Editoru: Melih Arat, kanale, showradyo ,Bestfm, Nokta, Trend, Hurses, Borsaci, Alem,Kibrisli, Radyo 2019, Medi Grup, Para Dergisi, Power Dergisi, BT/Haber, Bilkent Radio, Dost FM, Milliyet, Computer World (Monitor) | TBD, Barometre, Naci Baltaci, Dorduncu Kuvvet Medya, Ahmet Tezcan, Ne Var Ne Yok, Ali Saydam, Showtv, Euroshow, cine5, star, kraltv, kanal6, Sabah Gurubu , Aktuel Yayin Koordinatoru ,Sahin Artan ,Pusula (Mithat Bereket), Hurriyet Izmir, Yeni-TV, Izmir ,Zaman, Turkish Daily News, PCWorld : Volkan Ersoy, (Yazi Isleri Muduru), Hakan Unal (Editor),Deyvi Levitas, (PcOworld Online Webmaster), Bilim ve Utopya, Hulki Cevizoglu,Kanal D, Arena ,Teleforum, Cem Ozer, Lad Lafi aciyor, Kanald, · Televole, Kanald, Ekovizyon, Kanald, Yonetmen Ahmet Yigit, ATV adresleri yerel , ATV ,TGRT, Ellektuel Boyut, Web sayfasi , Eposta ,Konuşa Konuşa, Basında Burç FM , Radyo5 , Bilkent News (Bilnews) ,Ana Sayfa, Ahmet Altan - Gazeteci & Yazar , Vahap Mumyar - Hurriyet Gazeteci,Hürriyet gazetesi yazari ,Levent Evkuran ,Tempo Dergisi Haber Müdürü, Hincal Uluc ,Esra Ceyhan - Hbb TV ,Gulcin Telli - Hurriyet Gazetesi ,Ahmet Altan - Gazeteci & Yazar ,Mehmet Yagci -BBC Turkce , Mustafa Koker ,Rahim Er ,Yusuf Alan ,, · BRT , TGRT , No 1 TV , Fikra T V, NetGazete , Cumhuriyet -US yansisi , Zaman Gazetesi, Mukellef Gazetesi , · Yeni Asya gazetesi Online, Kocaeli, Evrensel Gazetesi (In US), US Mirror , nbc salle des nouvelles laisser vos commentaires, webformulier laisser vos commentaires, laisser vos commentaires contact us laisser vos commentaires¤cyCode=CAD&cid=71411&additionalDataString=vrBookingSource%7Cnull&locale=fr_CA Pour les Hôtels BCC: ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites