hop 0 Posté(e) le 27 novembre 2006 Manifestation anti-cruauté envers les animaux: 13 arrestations Presse Canadienne Montréal Une manifestation dirigée par un groupe de personnes qui dénoncent la cruauté envers les animaux a mal tourné en soirée, dimanche, dans l'ouest de Montréal, 13 personnes ayant été arrêtées pour avoir troublé la paix. Les arrestations ont eu lieu dans le parc où se tenait la manifestation, à l'angle des rues Sherbrooke Ouest et Rosedale, dans le quartier Notre-Dame-de-Grâce. Une vingtaine de personnes participaient à la manifestation, la plupart d'âge mineur. La police ne déplore aucun geste violent mais le refus d'obtempérer des protestataires a valu à plusieurs d'entre eux d'être conduits au poste de police. Des accusations d'avoir troublé la paix risquent d'être portées; les suspects devraient comparaître par voie de sommation. http://www.cyberpresse.ca/article/20061127/CPACTUALITES/61127008/1019/CPACTUALITES Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
animo-aequoanimo 0 Posté(e) le 27 novembre 2006 Il devait être tard et ils devaient être bruyants. Ils ont aussi arrêté Jagghi Singh, samedi. Il voulait tout simplement parler mais ils l'ont empêché de parler et l'ont arrêté. Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Animal 0 Posté(e) le 27 novembre 2006 J'ai vu ça aux nouvelles ce matin hop ! On disait que les jeunes étaient devant le domicile d'un chercheur qui travaille dans un centre de recherches (Huntington), et que ce sont des voisins de ce chercheur qui se sont plaints du bruit... Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
hop 0 Posté(e) le 27 novembre 2006 Ah d'accord ! Comme il ne donnait pas d'infos sur l'article, je me demandais de quoi il s'agissait. Merci ! Oups ! J'ai du chercher Jaggi Singh sur Google, je connaissais pas Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
animo-aequoanimo 0 Posté(e) le 28 novembre 2006 Tu l'as trouvé, hop ? ! C'est un militant antimondialiste et l'organisateur du salon du livre anarchiste de Mtl. Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Animal 0 Posté(e) le 28 novembre 2006 Tuesday » November 28 » 2006 Police keeping an eye on animal rights protesters 13 arrested at demonstration Sunday. Group has targeted the homes of three executives living in Westmount KATHERINE WILTON The Gazette Tuesday, November 28, 2006 Montreal police are keeping tabs on a group of animal rights activists who launched a campaign of harassment against three Westmount executives they believe do business with a company that conducts animal testing. Police charged 13 people with breach of the peace on Sunday night after their latest protest outside a home on Roslyn Ave. A neighbour said the group has demonstrated outside the same home at least 10 times during the past two years, chanting slogans like "puppy killers" and putting fliers through mailboxes showing pictures of animals that have been cut open. "They use foul language, which deters people from taking them seriously," said the woman, who didn't want her name published. "There is a whole lot of noise and a lot of anger." The woman said the police appear to be monitoring the demonstrations closely and often turn up before the protesters arrive. Officers were on hand when the group assembled at the Guy-Concordia metro station at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, said Constable Olivier Lapointe of the Montreal police. The group, which often uses megaphones during its protests, ignored police orders not to gather in front of the home on Roslyn. Police arrested the demonstrators as they walked toward another home on Victoria Ave. because they refused to disperse, Lapointe said. The protesters have held similar demonstrations about 20 times during the past year. Police have made arrests at other protests, but they couldn't say how many. Of the thirteen people arrested on Sunday, three are minors. A police source said yesterday the owner of one of the targeted homes does not work for a company involved in animal testing. "They are going on wrong information," he said. Westmount Mayor Karin Marks said she has received complaints from residents on both streets who are distressed about the demonstrations. "It is frightening. Many of these people have young children," she said. "Sometimes they (the protesters) have masks and are shouting slogans." The animal rights activists are loosely affiliated with a British group called Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty, which campaigns against Huntingdon Life Sciences, a laboratory in Britain that uses animals to test pharmaceutical products, agricultural chemicals and food products. In September, three U.S. protesters received prison sentences of four to six years for orchestrating a campaign of threats and harassment against Huntingdon's lab in New Jersey. Eric Desjardins, a spokesperson for the group, which calls itself Animal Liberation Montreal, said its members won't be deterred by the arrests. The Gazette (Montreal) 2006 http://www.canada.com/montrealgazette/news/story.html?id=400a9b7a-2dfc-44b7-8277\ -ade050b05bd1&k=63788 Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
hop 0 Posté(e) le 29 novembre 2006 Citation :Tu l'as trouvé, hop ? ! C'est un militant antimondialiste et l'organisateur du salon du livre anarchiste de Mtl. oui Animo, j'ai trouvé. Merci pour l'article, Animal Je vais me coucher, je vous embrasse Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites