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linda lachapelle

un chat lapidé à mort par deux ouvriers (Agir)

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Lettre demandant de punir sévèrement les 2 ouvriers qui ont lapidé un
chat à mort

A envoyer à :

avec copie cachée à :

To :
The Honorable Darrell L. Moore
Office of the Prosecuting Attorney, Greene County
1010 Boonville Ave.
Springfield, MO 65802

Honorable Darrel L. Moore,

I'd like to draw your attention to the following case :

Two employees of Springfield, Missouri's City Utilities (CU) agency
apparently recently found a cat trapped in a garbage receptacle at one
of their employer's service centers. By the time they left the scene,
the cat had been stoned to death and left in the dumpster
buried under a trash bag. The animal's skull was crushed in the attack,
according to news sources.

*It appears that neither of the suspects has been held legally
accountable for their alleged attack. Please help us change that.*

On November 27, CU announced that the accused had been suspended from
work and ordered to perform animal-welfare related community service;
one was demoted and the other denied any chance of promotion for a year.
A CU spokesperson apparently deemed the matter a mere "personnel

*This is clearly a criminal situation. *Their alleged act merits each
suspect being charged with the Class A misdemeanor offense of animal
abuse, given that Missouri Revised Statutes Section 578.012.1 stipulates
that one is guilty of that offense "when a person: (1) Intentionally or
purposely kills an animal" and given that Section 578.005(3) defines
animal as "every living vertebrate except a human being."

When the Springfield Animal Control department was contacted regarding
criminal charges, the agency knew of *no criminal investigation into the
suspects' actions or related pending criminal charges *against them.

I would like to remind you that those who abuse animals rarely do so
only once and almost never stop there.

The safety of Greene County and its animals may well be at stake, and
that their employer's workplace penalties can in no way replace the
penalties state law reserves for these suspects if they are convicted of
crime they are accused of.

Please take all necessary action - including criminal prosecution - to
ensure that this defenseless cat was the workers' last victim.

Thank you for your valuable time and consideration,

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