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Laisses pour chiens

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The leash connection ring is located on the center of the chest strap. When your dog pulls on the leash, he will be guided back towards you, naturally and gently discouraging pulling.

Ça serait peut-être une solution pour tes 2 p'tits chiens de courses...

D'après les commentaires, les gens ont l'air bien satisfaits:
Easy Walk Harness Customer Comments

(It was on sale when I bought it, it came much faster than I expected, and it worked! It worked the first time I put it on my dog. I have a 20 lb beagle and even though that seams small, he could pull me like a sled dog. When I took him for a quick first walk around the block he didn't pull at all. It even helped keep him from pulling when he saw a squirrel. Thanks so much! My arm didn't feel like it was being pulled out of socket from trying to hold him back. - Kelly)

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Je leur ai acheté des laisses semblables qui sont supposées les empêcher de tirer mais l'attache est sur le dos. Je vais voir si je peux la leur faire porter en avant, bien entendu sans que la laisse ne s'enlève... Shit

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