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Loup abattu au Vermont/Premier depuis fin 1,800 !!!!

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Quand Charles Hammond, un éleveur de vaches laitières, a abattu le mois dernier, ce qu'il croyait être un coyote, il ne se doutait pas qu'il avait tué le premier loup aperçu au Vermont depuis la fin de l'année 1800

December 13, 2006

Thanks to Canada, wolves are slowly returning to the northern U.S. But not all Americans
are happy about it


When Charles Hammond, a dairy farmer in the northern Vermont town of Troy, near the Canadian border, shot what looked like a coyote last month, he had no way of knowing that he might have killed the first wolf in Vermont since the late 1800s. On inspecting the animal that had been lurking around his farm, he found it was almost double the size of a coyote, weighing 90 pounds. “I had two agents from the wildlife department in Maine come down here and make me sign a two-page affidavit saying I didn’t know it was a wolf,” he says over the phone.


Benoît Ayotte, founder of Quebec wolf conservation group Clan des loups
d’Amérique du Nord, says the government should ban trapping and hunting in
nature reserves, which it began allowing in 1984. The only places in Quebec
where wolves are protected are federal and provincial parks. “We can’t
protect wolves without stopping trapping in the reserves,” he says. “Right
now, wolves are only protected in about 1.2 per cent of Quebec where the
provincial and federal parks are.”


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