Animal 0 Posté(e) le 27 décembre 2006 December 26th 2006 Despite a February 2004 ban, more than 300 mounted foxhunts began around England and Wales Tuesday in the annual Boxing Day tradition. The 2004 Hunting Act made hunting with dogs a criminal offense, although exercising hounds, chasing a scent trail and flushing out foxes to be shot remain legal, and as many as many as 250,000 spectators were expected for this year's hunts, the pro-hunting Countryside Alliance said. League Against Cruel Sports spokesman Mike Hobday told the BBC the group's members would be monitoring the hunts and said private prosecution would be undertaken if police did not charge illegal hunters. However, Countryside Alliance spokesman Simon Hart dismissed the group as meddlesome. "If you or I decided to stand at the side of a road with a homemade speed camera ... we'd be hounded out of town for being vigilantes," he told the BBC. "It is up to the police and the Crown Prosecution Service to enforce the law in this country not a vigilante pressure group with a political motive." Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites