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MAUVAISE NOUVELLE: EU rejects appeal for ban on Canadian sea

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EU rejects appeal for ban on Canadian seal products

January 26, 2007

The Associated Press

The European Union's executive commission rejected appeals Friday for an EU-wide ban on the import of seal fur products to force the closure of Canada's annual seal hunt.

The EU head office in Brussels said a 1983 EU law that imposes limited bans on the import of fur taken from young seal pups "provides adequate response" to concerns presented by the European Parliament.

The EU assembly voted last year, demanding the European Commission introduce a ban on seal products to protest what EU lawmakers called cruel and inhumane hunting tactics used to kill seal pups for their skins, notably in Canada.

In an official response sent to the legislators, the commission said reports it had seen on inhumane hunting methods were "partly contradictory."

However, it said the EU would take "all necessary steps to ascertain the use of humane hunting standards for seals, and if deemed appropriate, propose … to take action," in wake of "the high level of public concerns" over the issue.

Also seeking cat, dog fur ban

The commission said the population of seals in Canada's Arctic and Atlantic regions "has grown significantly" in the last three decades, from just under two million to around six million harp seals alone, adding the seals were not listed as endangered species.

Legislators said, however, that the inaction by the EU was hypocritical as it seeks to impose a separate ban on all imports of dog and cat fur into the 27-nation bloc.

"Commercial seal hunting is a brutal and cruel practice, targeting seal pups only a few weeks old," said Carl Schlyter, a Swedish Green party member of the EU parliament, who visited the annual seal hunt off Canada's eastern coast last year.

He said Europe remains the largest market for seal fur, "so introducing an EU ban on seal products would be a crucial step toward ending this barbaric cull."

However, Canada says the biggest market for its seal products remains Norway, which is not an EU member.

Schlyter said current rules were insufficient in preventing the import of fur from seal pups.

Current EU rules impose a ban on seal products derived from newborn harp seals less than 12 days old and young hooded seals less than one year old.

Environmental and animal rights groups argue the rules allow hunters to go after the pups once they reach an age just over the ban limit.

Move angers Canada

The European Parliament's appeal and moves by several EU nations like Belgium to introduce national bans caused widespread anger in Canada. Fisheries Minister Loyola Hearn told Belgian politicians last year to think about Canadian soldiers who died in Europe during the first World War before slamming the door on Canadian seal products.

Belgian legislators however, voted unanimously on Thursday to back a national ban on the import of all seal products into the country, becoming the first EU country to do so. Germany, Italy and the Netherlands are also working on similar bans.

Canadian officials have defended the hunt saying it is vital to the survival of aboriginal peoples in the Arctic and provided an economic lifeline for a region desperate for jobs and growth.

The seal hunt also employs around 6,000 Atlantic Canadians per year.

©️ The Canadian Press, 2006

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Allo ma belle hop ! flowers Tu veilles tard encore ce soir ! J,espère que ce n'est pas une migraine qui te garde réveillée

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Shit Je touche du bois ! Ça fait longtemps que je n'en ai pas fait une !

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Profites-en !!! Dans mon cas, quand ce n'est pas purement de l'insomnie, c'est soit la chatonne, soit les chienchiens qui me réveillent pour une raison ou une autre !!!! Shit

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Coucou les filles. content Ben, j'ai eu la migraine ce week end. Le fait de rester allongée pendant 2 ou 3 jours, ça dérègle toujours un peu. Mais ça va bien là. wink

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Ah ! Pauvre toi ! Shit Un aliment, une épice ou un additif dans des mets préparés pourrait-il être en cause ? As-tu essayé des gouttes d'huile essentielles de menthe ? Je suppose que tu as t'enquérir de tout ce qui pourrait atténuer cette migraine et que c'est un peu comme avec les rhumes et les grippes et qu'il faut attendre que ça fasse son temps Shit

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Ben, il y a pas mal de facteurs qui me déclenchent des migraines et ils ne sont pas tous évitables ; parfum, trop de lumière/chaleur/vent/pluie/bruit, trop ou pas assez de café, trop ou pas assez de sommeil, voiture et autres, fatigue, contrariété... Mr.Red Chuis pas très pratique. Jeunette, j'avais essayé divers traitements médicaux et ensuite des tisanes, des huiles, des massages, des techniques respiratoires. Maintenant, j'attends que ça passe, dans le noir et puis voilà wink

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Ah ! Pauvre toi ! Ça en fait des situations auxquelles faire attention... Boulet Mais il te reste aussi l'hypnose ou l'auto-hypnose... si ça n'était pas déjà dans ta boîte à outil de jeunette ...

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mdr Auto-hypnose et auto-suggestion étaient effectivement dans ma boite à outil de jeunette !

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Ah ! Yayaille ! Bon, on peut dire que tu auras tout essayé ... Donc il faut éviter les sources de stress, de pollution et autres responsables et attendre dans le calme et la pénombre que ça passe ... Shit

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