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CCFA Farm Animal Update (reçu dans mon courrier)

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Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 09:59:26 -0600
Sujet: CCFA Farm Animal Update

Dear CCFA Members:

CCFA has been very busy since our last update! Please read about what we’ve been up to below.

If there is any news related to farm animal welfare that you would like us to include in future updates, please let us know.

Thank you for your continuing to support of CCFA and our efforts to help farm animals in Canada .

John Youngman

Canadian Coalition for Farm Animals (CCFA)


REGISTER FOR AGRICULTURE & AGRI-FOOD PUBLIC CONSULTATIONS – Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is now holding public consultations across Canada to develop "the next generation of agriculture and agri-food policy." Farm animal welfare has historically been ignored or given minor attention by government when developing food policy, so this is your opportunity to encourage them to take a stronger stand on farm animal welfare, both for the sake of the animals and our global trading status. You can participate either in person or online:


Postcards – The postcard campaign to Loblaw asking the company to label eggs from caged hens and stock more cage-free alternatives continues. We need to keep up the pressure on Loblaw in order for them to take action! Please email me at if you would like to receive more cards.

Battery cage egg demos – Members and supporters took to the street this fall to educate consumers and add additional pressure to Loblaw. Demos in Guelph , Toronto and Montreal featured people dressed as hens, crammed in a human-sized cage modelled after a typical battery cage, outside the Loblaws’ stores. Passersby were given postcards to mail, educated about the cage system and encouraged to purchase eggs from other systems such as organic or free-range. Demos will continue in the spring in cities across Canada .


The workshop held primarily for the food industry at the Hilton Hotel in Toronto on October 26, 2006 was a great success! It featured: Temple Grandin, renowned animal transport and handling expert; Anne Malleau, Executive Director of Whole Foods’ Animal Compassion Foundation; Paul Shapiro, Director of the Factory Farming Campaign at the Humane Society for the United States (HSUS); and CCFA’s Stephanie Brown and John Youngman speaking about CCFA’s current and future campaign as well as reviewing national and global trends in farm animal welfare. A video of selected conference proceedings will be available for viewing on our website in the near future!


The CCFA French website is up and running! Thanks to Kind Translators (and especially Lucie Savard ) for the generous gift of translation. When visiting the CCFA website ( ), viewers will be given the option to view contents in French or English.


CCFA is currently working with the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) on efforts to persuade the City of Toronto and the Toronto District School Board to adopt a cage-free egg policy.


CCFA is asking Maple Leaf Foods, Canada ’s largest pork producer, to offer consumers more pork products that do not come from supply chains that keep mother pigs confined to cruel sow stalls and to label their products according the housing systems in which the mother pigs are kept. To receive the cards for distribution, please contact me at Please help us help mother pigs by distributing the cards.


A new fact sheet with information about foie gras is available on our website. It may be viewed or printed at:


This year marked CCFA’s first appearance and the Toronto Vegetarian Food Fair. The event was lots of fun and a great success! We distributed loads of materials and postcards as well as collected pages of signatures on the Loblaw and Maple Leaf petitions. A worthwhile effort for sure!


A fundraiser was held for CCFA the Renaissance Café in Toronto featuring photographs by Jo-Anne McArthur ( ) and original music by Sandy Blakeley and Eric Walker. The musicians donated their time and Jo-Anne donated all the proceeds of sales of her photographs to CCFA. Thanks to the generous support of Jo-Anne, Sandy and Eric, we raised $2,000!

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Il faudra que nous participions à la Consultation, Do. Je n'ai pas fait attention à la date limite mais je suppose qu'on a certainement qqes semaines devant nous. Je ne pourrai pas m'en occuper avant d'avoir terminé la préparation de la conférence et le bulletin.

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Je ne sais pas Cé, ils parlent de futur updates...(?)

If there is any news related to farm animal welfare that you would like us to include in future updates, please let us know.

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C'est beaucoup plus large que ça, Do, d'après l'info sur la page de la consultation et on peut participer directement. La date est le 5 mars. J'ai confondu avec une autre date.

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Oh boy, même au 5 mars, ça ne donne pas grand temps ! Tout va tellement vite et je suis tellement "pognée" avec ma physio... Je n'ai même pas encore eu le temps de travailler sur ma page des usines à chiots... zut

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Si on ne peut pas, on laissera ça à la Coalition, Do. On ne peut pas tout faire à nous deux quand tout se précipite en même temps.

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