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Quelqu'un a-t-il lu "The dreaded comparison" de Marjorie Spiegel,
paru il y a presque 20 ans ? (Oui, je suis pas toujours à la pointe de l'actualité question lecture Mr. Green )

While the comparison between human and animal slavery is often viewed with suspicion, Marjorie Spiegel, in her book The Dreaded Comparison, weaves the commonalities into a convincing argument.

The essence of the novel is expressed in the forward by Alice Walker, author of The Color Purple, when she states that the pain felt by humans and non-human animals is the same pain and that "the animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for whites or women for men."

Spiegel begins by presenting a parallel of abuse and oppression throughout the ages. Instead of using persuasive speech as some readers may expect, she states many facts about the history of species and extends the opinions of historical figures such as Darwin, Lichtenberg and Paul Lawrence Dunbar among others. She lets you gather these thoughts to decide how you feel about the subject matter.

The book contains many statements like that of Lichtenberg, who said it was "equally foolish to believe that human attributes were any more or less remarkable than those special to another species." Touching on beliefs like these raises questions about our responsibility to honor all creatures.

Spiegel travels through the many aspects of abuse with each chapter centering on topics like hunting, vivisection, propaganda, and power. She includes drawings and photos to illustrate comparisons. Specifically poignant is her comment about the controlling nature of oppression. "We associate wildness and freedom with chaos, whereas someone who is literally broken is civilized and thus a positive figure. That which is under our control, even if it is dead, even if it must be killed, is positive, while that which retains autonomy is threatening and negative."

Her attempt to understand the source of violent behavior in order to move in the direction of stopping it is evident throughout the book. She displays this with statements like, "With this deeper understanding of what motivates people to oppress others, we are perhaps better equipped to see through attempts at justification made by the victimizers." By drawing attention to conflicting statements made by vivisectors, for example, we see a researcher’s own confusion and how obscure reality can become as a result. She also illustrates how we, as a society, have allowed ourselves to become "intoxicated" by this "confusion" and that it is completely contradictory, that when we see a child dismembering a kitten, we think it is wrong, and yet, an adult who does this for a living under the guise of being "professional" is totally accepted by society, most times, without question.

The Dreaded Comparison is a prolifically written book, which makes you think about the violence we perpetrate on each other, animals, and the earth we live in. I am certain this book has and will continue to open many peoples’ eyes to human and animal abuse, among the many injustices of the world.

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Je ne l'ai pas lu mais j'aimerais bien avoir le temps de le faire ! Il a l'air très intéressant content

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C'est ce que je me dit. Je me le procurais peut-être prochainement.

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Malheureusement, je ne lis pas de livres en anglais. J'aimerais bien mais cela exige trop de concentration pour que je profite de la lecture. Cela est trop lourd pour moi. Entre autre, j'aimerais tellement lire Treblinka mais pour cela il me faudrait le traduire d'abord en français pour que je puisse ensuite en profiter en le relisant une fois ma traduction effectuée study Je suppose qu'il s'agit d'une forme de déficit de l'attention Mr.Red

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Animo, regarde dans Evènements !!! tongue

Il paraitra en français en octobre prochain, normalement !

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Ah Merci, merci, hop !!!! content Je n'avais pas lu ce message qui ne m'avait pas été indiqué par "l'avertisseur de nouveaux messages". En tous cas, on ne peut pas dire que mes voeux ne s'exaucent pas lol!

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Bon y'a plus qu'à attendre l'automne maintenant impatience

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