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Pro, anti-seal campaigns step up across Canada

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Pro, anti-seal campaigns step up across Canada

Updated Thu. Mar. 15 2007 11:11 PM ET


CTV News: Graham Richardson covers the debate 1:55
Mike Duffy Live: Experts debate the seal hunt 5:29
NTV: Animal groups protest across the world 3:27
CTV Atlantic: Maritimers protest seal hunt 0:26
Mike Duffy Live: Experts debate the seal hunt 5:29 News Staff

Demonstrations for and against the annual seal hunt were held in cities across Canada Thursday, the same day the European Parliament called for an EU-wide ban on the import of seal products.

Under pressure from the European Parliament, the European Union (EU) has ordered a study to assess the welfare of seals and will be sending an inspection mission to a seal hunt in Canada.

Many EU legislators have blasted what they see as inhumane hunting tactics used to kill seal pups for their skins.

However, the European Commission said Thursday "there is no scientific evidence'' of serious damage as a result of seal hunting.

"There must be a proper impact study before any action can be taken,'' EU Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas told the European Parliament.

"If it is established seals are hunted in an inhuman way, a ban on export and the marketing of seal products will be considered.''


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