Animal 0 Posté(e) le 19 mars 2007 10 000 BLANCHONS SERONT CAPTURÉS PUIS PLACÉS DANS UN ENCLOS JUSQU'À CE QU'ILS SOIENT ASSEZ GROS, PUIS ILS SERONT ABATTUS... !! LÀ-BAS, ON CAPTURE LES BLANCHONS À L'AIDE DE FILETS ! JE N'EN PEUX PLUS DE LA MÉCHANCETÉ DE L'HOMME ! --------------------------------------------------------------- Mar 15 2007 6:38PM Protests to accompany baby seal hunt in Russia ARKHANGELSK. March 15 (Interfax) - The seal hunting campaign has been launched in Russia's Arkhangelsk region amid protests by animal advocacy groups. One collective farm alone has a quota to capture 10,000 Greenland seal pups in the White Sea over 10-14 days. A spokesman for the Beloye More farm told Interfax that all the animals will be held in open-air cages until they grow up a bit, after which they will be slaughtered. Quotas are distributed by the international community every year. Animal rights activists are to stage rallies in Arkhangelsk, Murmansk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don and Barnaul to protest the seal hunt. Greenland seals give birth to their babies in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, off the Newfoundland coast in Canada, and in the White Sea in Russia in late February-early March. Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
hop 0 Posté(e) le 19 mars 2007 oui, c'est effarant. l'horreur est partout. Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites