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Google Alert - seal massacre - new Canadian offensive in EU

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Anthony Marr wrote: Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007

Subject: Google Alert - seal massacre - new Canadian offensive in Europe

Fellow activists,

As you can see from the Goodle Alert below (all in one day), the Canadian
government is launching a major offensive in Europe.

They even sent the Inuits to speak in favour of the Canadian commercial seal
hunt (on my behalf) - the same people who despicably insist on continuing to
hunt the critically endangered Eastern Arctic Bowhead whale (fewer than 200
left), making Canada a rogue state in the world endangered species scene. (What
does it say about the Canadian policians who gave the appeasing nod?)

Oh, by the way, it was of course "cultural" whaling on the Inuit's part. My
American friends will recall the 1999 Grey whale hunt by the Makah band in
Washington state. Cultural whaling with a power boat and a 50-calibre rifle.
Yeah right. The Makah branded me and other anti-whaling activists "racist", and
the Inuits can too and soon will. No skin off my butt, as long as it is no skin
off the seals.

For some time now I have been urging people to ignore Loyola Hearn (Canadian
Department of Fisheries and Oceans - DFO) and go for Europe and Asia. My
heart-felt thanks to those who have CCed to both Hearn and me their letters to
selected European countries, especially Bev Stayart of Wisconsin, who wrote to
at least a half dozen countries.

Now, since the seal hunt is again poised to start in spite of the
heart-breaking state of the seals due to global warming, we should not rest on
the laurels of our minor March 15 successes. But instead of demonstrating in
front of the Canadian consulates and embassies yet again, and the DFO offices in
Canadian cities, we should consider a new strategy.

I now ask you to demonstrate in front of the embassies and consulates of those
European nations which have not yet banned Canadian seal products, and ask them
(diplomatically) to do so. We don't need to shout slogans to get media
attention. The very newness of the concept will bring media out.

Also, the consulates and embassies are often clustered close together. A
funeral march for the seals from consulate to consulate would be the way to go.

Directly writing to and demonstrating at the Canadian government, let alone an
underling ministry like the DFO and such gutter-level non-entities like Loyola
Hearn - asking them, pleading with them, begging them, threatening them with
what we cannot carry out, demanding impotently at them, venting the hottest of
our passion at them...- is to stoop down to their level and give them our power.

Cold-shoulder Canada. Go for Europe and Asia.

Anthony Marr, founder
Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE)

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