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La coalition d'Anthony Marr

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Penses-tu qu'on devrait donner notre nom à Anthony pour faire partie de sa coalition Cé ?

2 April 2007: Today, in Eastern Canada, the first of 270,000+ seals was clubbed to death
or skinned alive, and the Western Canada Anti-Sealing Coalition is born, with a vengeance

Media Release

April 2, 2007

A tragedy of biblical proportions has been unfolding in the Gulf of St. Lawrence over the last several weeks. Untold thousands of baby seals have drowned as a result of global warming. The polar ice cap is shrinking year by year closer to zero, and the harp seal and polar bear seem destined for extinction.

“Any compassionate, conscionable and responsible government, one with any foresight at all, would abandon the seal hunt at once, and further launch programs to protect the seals from further decimation. Instead, ours has again heartlessly, thoughtlessly and soullessly returned to what remains of the ice to savage what remain of the seals,” says Anthony Marr, founder of the newly formed Western Canada Anti-Sealing Coalition.

Why the Western Canada Anti-Sealing Coalition?

“Ask 100 people in Newfoundland, and 80 will say that they are for the seal hunt. Ask 100 people in British Columbia, and 80 will say that they are against it. But the East has much more political clout because its pro-sealing public is more unified and heated than its Western anti-sealing counterpart. The Western Canada Anti-Sealing Coalition is to forge the anti-sealing forces of the West into a unified, passionate and dynamic power block that can outweigh the power block of the East, and tip the scale in Central Canada,” said Anthony Marr.

How will this be accomplished? “We will build the Coalition by waging its first campaign that will naturally require broad-based participation to be successful. The Coalition will more than built itself for action; it will build itself through action,” said Anthony Marr.

What kind of action? “Wage a passionate, unified and a Western-Canada-wide campaign, and we can, for example, make many Western MPs speak out against the seal hunt in Parliament, regardless of party and their own personal leanings. This is just one of the many momentous things WCASC can do,” said Anthony Marr.

How broad should the “broad-based participation” be? “Global. Canada, the U.S., Europe, Asia. The WCASC is not an exclusive club for Western Canadians, but a global organization championing and supporting the anti-sealing Western Canadian cause. Canadian, American, European and Asian members all welcome,” said Anthony Marr.

Anthony Marr, founder of
Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE - and
Western Canadian Anti-Sealing Coalition (website under construction)

more information:

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Certainement, Do, si nous pouvons être acceptés car il est question de "Western Canada" scratch Il y avait aussi des entrevues qu'il faisait en octobre et je n'avais malheureusement pas eu le temps de m'en occuper. Je ne sais pas s'il serait encore temps.

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Citation :
Certainement, Do, si nous pouvons être acceptés car il est question de "Western Canada" Il y avait aussi des entrevues qu'il faisait en octobre et je n'avais malheureusement pas eu le temps de m'en occuper. Je ne sais pas s'il serait encore temps.

Je ne sais pas Cé, mais je lui écrirai un petit mot un peu plus tard pour lui demander...
Je sais qu'il a fait quelques entrevues mais je ne n'ai pas eu le temps de lire tous ses messages...

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Ah ! Ok ! Do ! Si c'est tjrs correct, ces entrevues nous donneront une idée sur ce qu'il faut dire. Sont-elles sur son site ? Il faut que je prépare une petite bio pour le prés. de l'asso belge, ça m'inspirera peut-être, sinon, je vais utiliser ce que j'avais écrit pour le blog de Brig.

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Revoici le message d'Anthony d'octobre dernier. Il ne parle pas des entrevues qu'il a déjà faites Cé... mais uniquement de ses conférences je crois...

Revoici son message du 3 octobre dernier. Je pourrais également lui dire que nous serions intéressées à participer à une entrevue pour son livre, en même temps que de lui demander si on peut faire partie de sa coalition...


Anthony Marr would like to interview your group for his new book

Strategies and Tactics for the 21st Century

Anthony Marr @

This book will include the input from a broad array of groups with something
new to offer, both in terms of the problems they have encountered and the
solutions they have advanced, including of course the author’s own.

Anthony Marr is in a unique position to write this book. For one thing, he is
considered "a natural-born strategist, tactician and campaigner", nick-named
"the Sun Tzu of the 21st Century", by one beneficiary. For other things, he:

was born in China where animal abuse is rampant,
lives in Canada where recreational and trophy hunting, and factory farming,
are almost a way of life, and where the world’s most horrendous marine mammal
massacre (of harp seals) occurs,
has been to Africa to observe the wildlife situation first hand,
has performed undercover operations and media campaigns in all the major
Chinatowns of North America, to rid them of endangered species products,
has led three deep-rural-India expeditions to help save the subcontinent's
wildlife habitat and ecosystems, resulting in being honored as the "Champion of
the Bengal Tiger" in the award-winning TV documentary series Champions of the
Wild aired in 20 countries worldwide,
has conducted two overt/covert missions in Japan against whaling and the
dolphin capture and slaughter,
has since 2003 completed three Compassion for Animals Road Expeditions (CARE
tours) throughout the United States and Canada, the first of which (CARE-1) – in
partnership with best-selling vegan author Brenda Davis and her son Cory Davis
(then 15) - covering 40 states and 4 provinces in 7.5 months,
was a speaker at the National Animal Rights Conference in 2004, 2005 and 2006
has appeared on television, radio, newspapers and magazines numerous times,
is the founder of Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE - 1999), and
is the author of the book Omni-Science and the Human Destiny (2003).
For all the above and more, see

Currently, Anthony Marr is on his 4th Compassion for Animals Road Expedition
(CARE-4), sponsored in part by In Defense of Animals (, which
began on July 13, 2006, and will have covered 35 states and 4 provinces by the
time it ends in December (5 months). As of mid-October, his state-by-state
itinerary will be as follows.

When he comes to your state, he would like to meet with you and discuss any
strategic and/or tactical matter, both theoretical and anecdotal, that you may
be interested in contributing to this book. Whether you wish your name or the
name of your group to appear in the book or not, or whether your state appears
in the following itinerary, if you are a recipient of this e-letter, your input
is deemed valuable.

In addition, Anthony Marr would like to take the opportunity to give your
group, friends and colleagues an AV presentation of his own strategies, tactics
and successes (free of charge), and perhaps even conduct a media event in
conjunction with your group on an issue of your choice, applying some of these
strategies and tactics.

Thank you for your attention. We look forward to your response.

HOPE-CARE Foundation
cell 415-686-8789

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Je viens de lui envoyer un court message à travers son adresse sur la liste... à savoir que nous aimerions devenir membres de la coalition anti-chasse au phoque de même que participer à son livre, en lui disant que nous pourrions lui faire parvenir un bref résumé de ce que nous faisons- J'espère qu'il me répondra...

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Réponse déjà reçue d'Anthony:

Anthony Marr <> a écrit :
Hello to all at Aequo Animo:

We are happily surprised and deeply gratified to hear from Auquo Animo. A member group in Quebec would be a bridge and anchor in the national arena for the Western Canada Anti-Sealing Coalition. We are currently in the process of launching our first campaign, which up to this point has not taken Quebec into consideration. Your presence in WCASC will change this - for the better.

Because of my field work, I've had to temporarily put my book on the shelf, but I'll retrieve it once things have stabilized.

Stay tuned. Action will start soon!

Keep up your good work!

Anthony Marr, founder
Heal Our Planet earth (HOPE)

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Je suppose que c'était surtout pour l'Ouest Canadien et que c'est pour ça que ça s'appelle Western Coallition... bon j'espère que c'est vraiment ok pour eux embaralol!

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hahahhahahhahha mdr Il a quand même l'air content de nous accepter mdr

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Il faudrait peut-être lui dire de ne pas chambouler leurs plans pour autant et que notre intention est surtout d'apporter notre appui en autant que c'est acceptable pour eux. scratch

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Oui Cé, je vais lui répondre tout-à-l'heure content

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Hello again Anthony,

Thank you very much for your prompt answer.

Please do not change your plans if you have already made them. As we are not from Western Canada, our intention is mainly to support you, but only if it is acceptable to you.

Have a nice Easter Day Anthony,


D. L.......

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