Animal 0 Posté(e) le 21 avril 2007 Canada's controversial annual seal hunt can be over in as little as a day or two. It all depends on how quickly the sealers kill their quota of pups. This year, the federal fisheries department lowered the quota of harp seals to be culled from last year's 335,000 to 270,000 because of poor ice conditions in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, where the hunt began April 9. Seal pups survive on the ice until they learn to swim. Less ice means more of them drown. About 30 per cent of the quota was taken in the Gulf. The hunt then moved northeast to "the Front," where it began last Friday. Bigger boats go out first and take their share of the seals, said Frank Pinhorn, executive director of the Canadian Sealers Association. It's these boats that became icebound as they returned home. Pinhorn said about 60,000 seals remain to be hunted by the smaller boats that will go out once conditions improve. Ils en ont déjà tués plus de 200,000 - C'est tellement horrible ! Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
animo-aequoanimo 0 Posté(e) le 21 avril 2007 Et s'ils pouvaient en tuer 500,000, ils le ferait !!! Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites
Animal 0 Posté(e) le 21 avril 2007 C'est certain Cé ! Y'a rien pour les arrêter ces salopards ! Partager ce message Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites