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Beagles flown to labs for testing - Air Canada confirms

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Beagles flown to labs for testing
Air Canada confirms shipments to Europe

MAX HARROLD, The Gazette
Published: Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Clients don't have to tell us anything." Air Canada spokesperson Isabelle Arthur said a 1998 ruling by the Canadian Transportation Agency forbids the airline from refusing to ship animals simply because of their purpose. The ruling was made after Air Canada refused to carry monkeys intended for vivisection.

But Jadrino Huot, a spokesperson for the CTA, said the ruling was made to force Air Canada to apply its own policies and that the airline was entirely within its rights to change its policies.

"Air travel is a deregulated industry," he said. "They set their own policies." One Air Canada flight attendant, who asked not to be identi- fied, said the dog shipments have been kept "hush, hush." "It's a business," she said.

They shouldn't be doing this." mharrold@" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">

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Caro a écrit:
Beagles flown to labs for testing
Air Canada confirms shipments to Europe

MAX HARROLD, The Gazette
Published: Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Clients don't have to tell us anything." Air Canada spokesperson Isabelle Arthur said a 1998 ruling by the Canadian Transportation Agency forbids the airline from refusing to ship animals simply because of their purpose. The ruling was made after Air Canada refused to carry monkeys intended for vivisection.

But Jadrino Huot, a spokesperson for the CTA, said the ruling was made to force Air Canada to apply its own policies and that the airline was entirely within its rights to change its policies.

"Air travel is a deregulated industry," he said. "They set their own policies." One Air Canada flight attendant, who asked not to be identi- fied, said the dog shipments have been kept "hush, hush." "It's a business," she said.

They shouldn't be doing this." mharrold@" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
je vais placer une action dans les pétitions justements contre ce trafic pour ceux qui veulent agir merci

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