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linda lachapelle

Action lettre pour les beagles - merci Canada/France

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De la part de : Milice @nimale du Québec
Date : 12/06/2007 13:19:18

Et écrivez à Marshall BioResources qui fait l’élevage de Beagles pour les
labos !

Nicole Messier, fondatrice, présidente directrice générale Milice @nimale du
Québec - Militia for @nimals in Quebec

La lettre est à envoyer à :
Copie à :
Objet : Lab experiments performed on domestic animals

I totally agree with the view expressed in this letter.

Vos coordonnées

To whom it may concern

We were informed that you breed animals in your facilities, especially
Beagles, to be sold to European laboratories. Please read our letter with
all the consideration it deserves.

You manage a profitable industry and do not even consider the consequences
of your mercenary attitude, since the Beagles are sold to laboratories. No
matter how well you treat them on your premises, they will be laboratory
“subjects” and end their life in misery, pain, anguish, fear and ultimately,
slow and cruel death.

We could not disagree more with those experiments and since you condemn the
Beagles to a slow and painful death, we urge you to stop supplying, even
though lucrative, the European labs.

Of course, the millions of dollars this lethal industry brings to your
pockets is quite an incentive, but, should you have any respect for Life at
all, you will not sell these animals to the ones that will use, abuse and
over abuse them. These dogs will know nothing about dignity, family, and
affection. You sentence them, without any other form of trial to a long and
painful agony.

Please consider other markets that will not sentence your animals to death.
And rest assured the laboratories can perform alternative experiments that
will not hurt our domestic animals in any way. And for your company, there
are also other alternatives… more respectful ones of these animals’ dignity
and right to freedom and respect.

Since Air Canada had the decency to stop carrying the victims of greed that
you too exploit, kindly notice that no matter the airline carrier you use,
they still travel on a one way trip to hell.

We, the people of the Militia for @nimals in Quebec, are disgusted and
outraged by such cruel attitude, based on greed, mercantilism and
selfishness and should you continue such trade, your hands will still be
covered with THEIR blood.


Nicole Messier, founder and general manager
Milice @nimale du Québec - Militia for @nimals in Quebec

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